'Deadpool' To Break Fourth Wall In Solo Movie

'Deadpool' To Break Fourth Wall In Solo Movie

Outsiders - July 06, 2009
Actor Ryan Reynolds spoke about “Deadpool” with Empire, reemphasizing what he’s already said in the past — and that “Deadpool” will indeed talk to his audience in his solo film.

“Break the Fourth Wall? Oh yeah, he’s got to,” he told Empire. “I want to see him break the Great Wall.”

It’s hard to tell if Reynolds is being sarcastic like his on-screen persona, or if he’s serious — after all, part of the Deadpool mythos involves inane, ludicrous and seemingly impossible plot points. Having the scarred-up mutant face off against the Great Wall of China would certainly fit that bill.

One thing that’s guaranteed, said the actor, is that the film’s tone will match that of Marvel’s “Deadpool” comics. As a fan of the franchise, Reynolds said he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“The main goal is to make sure it stays close to the source material,” Reynolds insisted. “I’ve always been a fan, at least for the last eight or nine years. I feel a bit of validation because I knew going into ‘Wolverine‘ that there’s a huge fanbase for this and I don’t think anyone else did.”


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