If the Black Spider-Man wasn't so tall it would be ok. He is as tall as Captain America. I know I am very anal about height with this series but it's just hard seeing these figures so out of scale when you have them standing next to each other.
I definitely care more about sculpt than whether Character A is taller or shorter than Character B. I've been reading comics for over half my life, and a statement like "He is as tall as Captain America" means nothing to me. I couldn't tell you if Spider-Man is taller or shorter than Cap in the comics, it's just not something that stands out to me or that I care about.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a great sculpt and the right height though?
I like what Darth done with his Magneto and someone else used a Klaw figure to make Magneto taller. I believe more people are bothered about the height issues then not. I've read comics all my life and never has Magneto been shorter then Night Crawler. Hell Nightcrawler is going to tower over Magneto. Storm is 5'11 and the Nightcrawler figure towers over her so that would make him like 6'5 when he is 5'9. Now that kind of stuff is just lazy on Hasbro's part.
Thanks Riddick. It's just Onyx. I only put the Darth to make my name long enough or some dumb rule but I can finally fix it now.
First off... I am jealous you already have these.
Second... He does look much (MUCH) better with the reduced height. Could you do me the favor and show me where you removed the extra from and about how much you removed?
You know I was looking really forward to Night Crawler when we seen him on the back of the board when someone posted the pics of Doom and Absorbing man but then I seen Night Crawler on here. He is just to tall and that ruins the figure for me. He towers over Storm who is 5'11 when Night Crawler is just 5'9 and the way they have him in the pics he would be at least 6'5. I decided to use Paint and shorting him and see what he would look like if some of us modded him. What do you guys think? I think he looks alot better with all that height taken off of him.
Riddick - 2010-01-14 @ 2:24 am
If the Black Spider-Man wasn't so tall it would be ok. He is as tall as Captain America. I know I am very anal about height with this series but it's just hard seeing these figures so out of scale when you have them standing next to each other.
I definitely care more about sculpt than whether Character A is taller or shorter than Character B. I've been reading comics for over half my life, and a statement like "He is as tall as Captain America" means nothing to me. I couldn't tell you if Spider-Man is taller or shorter than Cap in the comics, it's just not something that stands out to me or that I care about.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a great sculpt and the right height though?
I like what Darth done with his Magneto and someone else used a Klaw figure to make Magneto taller. I believe more people are bothered about the height issues then not. I've read comics all my life and never has Magneto been shorter then Night Crawler. Hell Nightcrawler is going to tower over Magneto. Storm is 5'11 and the Nightcrawler figure towers over her so that would make him like 6'5 when he is 5'9. Now that kind of stuff is just lazy on Hasbro's part.
What are the odds we finish off the people from the Secret Wars. I mean the Wrecker we all figure will get made, She-Hulk is probably popular enough, Colossus has been eluded to, Galactus is planned, but what are the odds we see the rest.
1. Captain Marvel (I'm guessing no though I would like to see her)
2. Rogue (I want her, but please not in the SW outfit...Storm was bad enough)
3. Wasp (I figure will get done, but in which of her 500 costumes will they choose)
4. Prof X (I'm guessing yes)
5. Kang ( I would love to have, but I just don't know)
6. Molecule Man (I'm thinking no, this was his shot and it did not happen)
7. Lizard (if not in MU, maybe the Spidey line)
8. Doctor Octopus (showdown version is awesome if you don't have it so no rush for him)
Just wondered what you guys thought.