New Marvel Legends 6" Civil War Figure Wave Revealed?!? (SPOILER ALERT)

New Marvel Legends 6" Civil War Figure Wave Revealed?!? (SPOILER ALERT)

Jay Cochran - February 01, 2016
So there is a small image floating around the internet with the big words confidential on it that shows us the figures in Hasbro upcoming second wave of Captain America 6" Marvel Legends. We are NOT going to post the image here, but you can check it out here. We don't know were the image originated from and can not confirm its authenticity, but if it is real, then it contains what some might consider to be a spoiler from the movie. We will tell you the figures in the wave that are shown in the image, but again the Build-A-Figure might be spoilerish, so don't read any further if you don't like any kind of movie spoilers.

The wave includes the Civil War Captain America, Iron Man and Black Panther figures that were revealed the other week as well as comic book versions of Nuke, Nick Fury (Old White Man Version), & Red Guardian. The Build-A-Figure for this wave is a movie version of Giant Man, which looks very similar to the Ant-Man movie costume. We assume Ant-Man grows big in the Civil War movie which is where the spoiler part comes in.
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