UPDATE: The set has already sold out for a second time today. It's unclear why Amazon seems incapable of keeping the item in stock for more than 10 minutes at a time. Unless Hasbro is only providing Amazon with a few cases of these figures at a time it seems unlikely they would be selling that many that fast, but you may want to keep an eye on the site for another chance to grab it.
The Amazon exclusive
Marvel Legends Days Of Future Past Sentinel & Wolverine Set is once again currently available for purchase on
Amazon and will start to ship by October 29, 2018.
Check out this review and images for the set by
I hate this cartoony unrealistic version. The Toybiz, metallic looking (not plastic) with warn wash, is worth a hundred of these!
Thanks. The Byrne Sentinels would be so easy for them to do because they are just smooth humanoid robots, no bells & whistles need to be added. Give em a cool metallic paint job & like I said, alternate closed/open hands, blast effects, couple of detention coils, an alternate battle damaged head & they have me, you & thousands of other X fans buying these suckers by the crap loads. Make em in the 12'-14' scale & done! The JB design is pretty much the best version I think of whenever the Sentinels come to mind.
Some artists try & go overboard with too much extra designs on their take on a Sentinel, less is better. Hasbro would knock these outta the park!
10 hours ago, Gmen4ever said:Hasbro just needs to stop rehashing this old toyetic looking Sentinel & give us a deluxe "new sculpt/articulation" DOFP Sentinel based on John Byrne's version. Add alternate open closed hands, some power effects such as palm blasters /eye beams & an alternate battle damaged head, sell it thru Amazon or EE or whichever outlet they deem worthy & then you will see X-fans buying multiples of it. They have simple smooth designs, nothing complicated bout making these into 12' scale figures. Don't need all that BS sounds & whistles. Just the proper amount of extra hands/alternate head & weapons effects. I'll gladly fork over $100 clams for that times 3!

This guy, this guy gets it. I like the way you think and all that is pretty much what we all need from a new Sentinel.Too bad Hasbro doesnt get it but they at least get it most of the time so maybe we ll see a revamp to the Sentinel one of these days. Toybiz Sentinel still reigns supreme in the giant machine monstrosity dept, marvel wise tho.
Hasbro just needs to stop rehashing this old toyetic looking Sentinel & give us a deluxe "new sculpt/articulation" DOFP Sentinel based on John Byrne's version. Add alternate open closed hands, some power effects such as palm blasters /eye beams & an alternate battle damaged head, sell it thru Amazon or EE or whichever outlet they deem worthy & then you will see X-fans buying multiples of it. They have simple smooth designs, nothing complicated bout making these into 12' scale figures. Don't need all that BS sounds & whistles. Just the proper amount of extra hands/alternate head & weapons effects. I'll gladly fork over $100 clams for that times 3!

I agree with everyone here who essentially label this mold as 'cartoony'. That is exactly what it is, and while I do own a Marvel Universe one, that is simply because I found it at extreme discount. I do feel that DOFP Wolverine is excellent, but not incentive enough to shell out 100 bucks for this Sentinel mold. Wish they would do a Red Onslaught in this scale from AXIS...I might pay $100 for that, w/ the AXIS Iron Man or Magneto included.
Really?! Everybody I know was complaingin about the price and how the older versions were better. So, yeah I dont see them seeing out like that. When the Main Community who collects these figures is sort of disinterested in this figure in the first place.
Hogun -
2018-10-16 @ 12:20 pm
A few weeks ago, I placed an order for the Colossus figure and I was supposed to get it on Sunday. But they were already out of stock and I had to wait till Friday to get it. But when I checked their website, they were sold out and had another retailer list their stock for the figure. I pre-ordered the new Magneto and Psylocke a month before the announced release date and Amazon couldn't even get them to me and told me thatI had to wait another week or month.
This is ridiculous! I strongly believe that they are trying to create a high demand for this set. It would be an easy way to make money being that its a $100 set price.Its not like this isshocking or anything we know that they do this for all figures. The lower they get instockandthe more demand they have on them thehigherthat price goes up. The more popular figures in a particular waveend up being the most expensive ones. They have a set that is five times more than the usual marvel legends item, we can only get it from Amazon,and I think they just see an easy way to rack up some cash. Arrrrrgh!
JayC -
2018-10-16 @ 11:04 am
10 hours ago, versus_mode said:I use nowinstock to track the availability of this set and get text messages every time orders go back up.Don't know that I want it though, never had an interest in having a sentinel displayed with my figs, but knowing that this is such a hot item, and that previous sentinels can go for quite a bit makes me really want to get it, if only for resale purposes..
I dont think its that hot an item. There is no way its selling out that quick. At 7am this morning I got an email notification it was back in stock and when I clicked on it, the site already said out of stock. I dont know if its a glitch on Amazon's site or they are deliberately doing it to try and create a feel of demand, but I dont believe a $100 item that originally ended up on clearance is in that much demand. Sorry just don't buy it (no pun intended).
4 minutes ago, Gmen4ever said:The TB Sentinels are incredible pieces of work with highly detailed sculpting/painting/articulation. So far Hasbro has surpassed just about all of the TB ML figs with their own releases but the one figure I HIGHLY doubt they can top is the TB Sentinel, though I am hoping they give it a try. Their MU Gigantic battles Sentinel is as you said, too toyetic & lacks in the articulation dept. So far, their worst offering is the Kree Sentry, it looks phoned in. Reminds me of some cheap oversized happy meal toy. That's their 1st misfire on a MU character imo.
Shame too cuz if they had done it right, I was gonna get 3-4 for army building purposes. That entire wave is a pass for me so in a way I thank em for saving me $$ that can now go to some of their cool comic based figs such as Kingpin, Guardian, Nighthawk, Herc, though I'm slicing that damn man bun off, Prof X, Gambit, Bishop, 90s Sabretooth & Tiger stripe Wolvy to name a few.
Hasbro has plenty of figure missteps in their reign of the marvel license. Theyve got soooo much better in the last few year tho that its kind of like night and day. Im ok with some bad ones since it allows my wallet to breathe and the characters that have been not great are ones i dont care about anyways. I also dont really collect MCU anything so i wouldnt be buying the wave anyways.
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