I doubt we are going to get second wave forBlack Widowin the light of avengers video game getting their own wave, however, its still could be real possibility, Titanium man baf andComic book black widow would have been amazing but who knows theres still toy fair coming up.
Looking at that Crossbones figure, I think the head is sitting way too high on the neck peg. Once I get it, I'll just Dremel the hole in the head a bit deeper & that should fix the Giraffe issue. These are due to hit the pegs sometime in March?
12 hours ago, Atlantis said:A number of sources state that he had experiments done.
Marvel Database: "Bullski underwent various experiments performed on him by the Soviet government for the purpose of handling the tremendous bulk of the Titanium Man Armor. The result was Bullski's size and strength greatly increased"
Fwoosh: "Bullskis superiors soon became displeased with his performance, exiling him from Russia to house arrest in Vietnam. There he underwent numerousexperimental and dangerous proceduresto quickly increase his physique toinhuman proportions"
Wikipdedia:"Having the suit redesigned and undergoing medical treatments that increased both his size and strength. Traveling to the United States, Bullski fought Iron Man in the skies above Washington, D.C. but was defeated; Boris Bullski, the original Titanium Man, also possessed enhanced strength due to treatments given to him by the Soviet government to augment his physiology, making him grow into an 11-foot-tall giant"
Writeups.org: "...Bullski is a giant of man, giving him great strength and authority. He then went through several rounds of embiggening through unrevealed artificial means. His enhanced size was originally presented in 1966 as a hormones treatment. Whatever those were, the were not as good at suspending normal physics as Pym particles.?With his size artificially bolstered, Bullski could not physically function under normal gravity conditions without assistance.?He had to wear his armour at all times"....
Although I do recall he was pretty big even before getting the armor. And, there have been different pilots for the Titanium Man armor. But I sure do hope to see the original big azzed armor as a BAF; it doesn't have to be in an Iron Man wave though that would be most likely. But he was trained briefly under the Black Widow, so could do a 2nd wave with her, and this time give us a Widow worthy of the name. It would allow us to get an original Crimson Dynamo, comic version Belova, and some of the Winter Guard. Just a thought.

Clearly a retcon then
I want both the classic 70s-early 80s Boris Bullski T-man armor & the mid 80s "Armor wars" T-man armor that Gremlin wore! Bottom line is we need both versions of T-man & Armor wars Crimson Dynamo version & Hasbro, don't make it giant sized, 80s CD should be max, half a head taller than 80th anniv classic IM. Same goes for armor wars T-man. Only 70s version of T-man should be in 8' scale if not 9'!

11 hours ago, leokearon said:I don't remember him needing an experiments to fit in the armour. Boris was a man-mountain before he got anywhere near an armour
A number of sources state that he had experiments done.
Marvel Database: "Bullski underwent various experiments performed on him by the Soviet government for the purpose of handling the tremendous bulk of the Titanium Man Armor. The result was Bullski's size and strength greatly increased"
Fwoosh: "Bullskis superiors soon became displeased with his performance, exiling him from Russia to house arrest in Vietnam. There he underwent numerousexperimental and dangerous proceduresto quickly increase his physique toinhuman proportions"
Wikipdedia:"Having the suit redesigned and undergoing medical treatments that increased both his size and strength. Traveling to the United States, Bullski fought Iron Man in the skies above Washington, D.C. but was defeated; Boris Bullski, the original Titanium Man, also possessed enhanced strength due to treatments given to him by the Soviet government to augment his physiology, making him grow into an 11-foot-tall giant"
Writeups.org: "...Bullski is a giant of man, giving him great strength and authority. He then went through several rounds of embiggening through unrevealed artificial means. His enhanced size was originally presented in 1966 as a hormones treatment. Whatever those were, the were not as good at suspending normal physics as Pym particles.?With his size artificially bolstered, Bullski could not physically function under normal gravity conditions without assistance.?He had to wear his armour at all times"....
Although I do recall he was pretty big even before getting the armor. And, there have been different pilots for the Titanium Man armor. But I sure do hope to see the original big azzed armor as a BAF; it doesn't have to be in an Iron Man wave though that would be most likely. But he was trained briefly under the Black Widow, so could do a 2nd wave with her, and this time give us a Widow worthy of the name. It would allow us to get an original Crimson Dynamo, comic version Belova, and some of the Winter Guard. Just a thought.

2 hours ago, MonsterChris said:Agreed. It's a want that underlines the call for an Iron Man Legends wave or two. There are so many armors, among good guys and bad guys alike, that have yet to be attempted. And it's not like Iron Man is getting any more popular. Strike while the Iron Man is hot! (Sorry...)
Especially what got me back into Marvel Legends was the Iron Man 3 (Iron Monger BAF) wave. The did it once why not again and again?
5 hours ago, leokearon said:I want to be greedy and have both Boris and Gremlin armours
Agreed. It's a want that underlines the call for an Iron Man Legends wave or two. There are so many armors, among good guys and bad guys alike, that have yet to be attempted. And it's not like Iron Man is getting any more popular. Strike while the Iron Man is hot! (Sorry...)
8 hours ago, ADour said:I'm an Iron Man fan, but I've always disliked the retro look for Titanium Man. With those round eyes he looks like a friedly robot with the body of a metalized Hulk, like the armor equivalent of a baby-faced body-builder. So I'm on the side that wants a late-1980s-to-2000sTitanium Man (basically, a redoof the 2011 Titanium Man figure).
I want to be greedy and have both Boris and Gremlin armours
6 hours ago, Atlantis said:Yes that's no accident....o'l Borisactually was incredibly big. He had genetic experiments done to him in order to fit the huge armor. In fact I think I read, for a time, BLACK WIDOW was one of his KGB combat instructors....

I don't remember him needing an experiments to fit in the armour. Boris was a man-mountain before he got anywhere near an armour