UPDATE: 2 Looks like prices on Captain America, War Machine, and Scorpion have been adjusted to reflect the higher 2022 MSRP for a regular Marvel Legends figure of $24.99.
UPDATE: Yesterday I told you about what we can likely expect from
Hasbro for their
Marvel Legends 20th Anniversary plans this year, but after doing some more checking I discovered I got confused on some of the pricing on these. Sorry between the overall price increases coming to the line this year and being these involve things like higher priced sub-line figures, larger deluxe figures and so fourth its a little confusing. So keep in mind there is some level of speculation here but as best I can tell this is how its all going to break down.
The initial 4 figures we know
100% are coming from
Hasbro this year are the
Captain America, Classic Iron Man, Hulk and
Toad. These are in the
Toy Biz tribute packaging with diorama pieces and priced higher than your standard
Marvel Legends figures.
Hulk being a larger figure is priced even higher than
Cap, Iron Man and
Now the remaining 8 figures I told you about yesterday which have
NOT been officially confirmed by
Hasbro still stands based on the info I have seen as follows:
- Captain America (Another One)
- War Machine
- Scorpion
- Firelord
- Sentinel
- Blue Beast
- Apocalypse
- Unknown Spider-Man Item
So after doing some additional checking, from what I can tell the
Blue Beast is being priced at the same price as the initial
Cap, Iron Man and
Toad figures. So that higher sub-line price but as a regular sized figure as opposed to a larger one like
Hulk. This makes me think
Beast will come in that
Toy Biz tribute packaging or maybe regular packaging but have a diorama piece like the initial four.
Captain America V2, War Machine and
Scorpion appear to be priced at the current standard size regular
Marvel Legends price of $23 each as opposed to the higher sub-line price. This makes me think these will all be regular sized figures in basic packaging as opposed to the Toy Biz tribute packaging. Possibly with an added 20th Anniversary logo added to the package. They also likely would not have the added diorama pieces like with the initial 4. That's all speculation on my part, but again based on the prices I have seen, that is my best guess.
Firelord and
Sentinel are priced at the new 2022 standard figure size regular release price of $24.99 each. That leads me to believe they will be standard sized figures coming in fairly standard like packaging later in the year after the general price hikes goes into effect.
Apocalypse looks like will be priced as a larger figure but as a regular release. so again in regular like packaging as opposed to Toy Biz tribute packaging.
The final
Spider-Man item which still remains the biggest mystery looks like will be priced around $35-$39 price range. So cheaper than the $50 price I quoted yesterday. This price might fit a 2-Pack with say a larger and smaller figure. Perhaps this will be the
Peni Parker SP//DR 2 pack I originally thought was going to be part of the
Spider-Man 60th Anniversary line. That is purely a guess on my part but would fit the info I have available at this time.
So there you have it, sorry for the confusion and of course for good reason, until Hasbro officially confirms these we will treat these as RUMOR.
Last year
Hasbro officially announced a new
Marvel Legends sub-line that would be celebrating
Marvel Legends turning 20 years old this year.
Hasbro has already officially announced the first 4 figures in this sub-line as being
Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk and
Toad, the first 3 of which you can purchase at our sponsors
Entertainment Earth and
Now while
Hasbro has only confirmed the first four figures and we still await images for
Toad, I can tell you there should be at least 8 more figures being released in this sub-line throughout 2022.
Credit to Youtuber
rektangular to be the first to come across info on a number of these additional 8 figures, but now I have additional info I have seen for myself to share with you on them. Of course until
Hasbro officially confirms these we will treat them as
So based on the info I have seen the names of the remaining 8 figures are as follows:
- Captain America (Another One)
- War Machine
- Scorpion
- Firelord
- Sentinel
- Blue Beast
- Apocalypse
- Unknown Spider-Man Item
Now besides the names, it appears
War Machine, Scorpion and
Captain America (V2) will have the same MSRP price point as the first
Captain America and
Classic Iron Man figures that are starting to see release now. The prices seemingly go up a little for
Sentinel and
Firelord which I think is reflecting the overall price increases going into effect on the line this year.
The MSRP for
Beast and
Apocalypse are in line with the
Hulk figure and likely because of their increased size making them more deluxe like.
I have no idea how the second
Captain America will differ from the first. It could be another version of
Steve Rogers or perhaps it will be something like an updated
Bucky Cap.
I have no idea how
Beast, Scoripion and
Apocalypse will differ from the previous versions we have recently gotten in the line.
Firelord which is something the
Hasbro brand team hinted at last year during the
Galactus Haslab campaign should be a completely new figure like
Toad. When I say completely new I mean figures we have never gotten before from
War Machine is reflecting a price point of a normal size figure and not a deluxe one like the last
War Machine we got in the line, I am speculating this might be mainly a repaint of the
Modular Iron Man figure that was released in the last
Iron Man wave.
Sentinel also shares the price point of a normal size figure, so that one is a complete mystery to me on what it could be based on. It's definitely NOT a re-issue of the
Haslab Sentinel, and while I have seen speculation perhaps its a
Marvel vs Capcom version, I would think that would put the figure more in that Deluxe price range like
Hulk, Beast and
Apocalypse. So we will have to wait and see what exactly that is going to be.
The final item which indications are that it is
Spider-Man related and perhaps even more specifically tied to the
"Into The Spider-Verse" movie is the biggest unknown for me. All I can really tell you is it seems to share a price point with the
Mega Deluxe figures, which is around $50. Now as I have
previously reported, I have seen indications we will be getting a Into
The Spider-Verse Peni Parker and SP//DR 2 pack which could fit that price point. However based on the info I have seen previously that was something being released under the
Spider-Man 60th Anniversary line, not the
Marvel Legends 20th Anniversary one. The only other possible
Into The Spider-Verse related character I could think of that would possibly fit the $50 price point is a
Kingpin figure. I can't say for sure it will be related to Into The Spider-Verse, so a lot of unknowns on this figure and at this point I would treat with the most grain of salt.
Of course as I mentioned before, until
Hasbro officially confirms any of these, we will treat them all as
RUMOR for now. Images below are for reference only.
On 8/30/2022 at 3:43 AM, tarot said:Don't believe that. People used to say the same thing about nightcrawler and others. Marvel has the full rights to the characters.
and Hasbro have full rights to make Marvel figures
tarot -
2022-08-30 @ 2:43 am
On 8/30/2022 at 3:39 AM, Hogun said:I heard that Marvel is having legal issues with Robert Morales' estate, the man who created Isaiah Bradley. So, if Marvel can/has resolved their dispute with the family, then I would love to see an Isaiah Bradley Marvel Legend.
Don't believe that. People used to say the same thing about nightcrawler and others. Marvel has the full rights to the characters.
Hogun -
2022-08-30 @ 2:39 am
I heard that Marvel is having legal issues with Robert Morales' estate, the man who created Isaiah Bradley. So, if Marvel can/has resolved their dispute with the family, then I would love to see an Isaiah Bradley Marvel Legend.
On 2/12/2022 at 11:24 AM, tarot said:Yes that is it . It just like the 80th Marvel anniversary, which celebrated Marvel as a whole not just the wwii days, the 20th xmen movie anniversary, celebrating xmen, the 10th and infinity saga.
This 20th line is celebrate Marvel legends as a whole.
I was really hoping that with the 80th anniversary, they would have made the original characters that kicked it all off from Timely. Without them there'd be no Marvel. The Sub-Mariner, original Human Torch, and Captain America. Just baffling that the golden age figures aren't done. Then there's Bucky, whose first figure was, frankly, awful, and really needs an update. And they could showcase more golden age characters like the original Vision, along with the Destroyer, Blazing Skull, Miss America, the Whizzer, and Red Raven, by doing a limited box set run on Hasbro Pulse or something like that. Baron Blood, Warrior Woman, U-Man, Tiger Man, Spit Fire....the 80th anniversary is the perfect theme to do these figures.
Satam -
2022-08-27 @ 4:47 pm
On 8/27/2022 at 12:09 PM, monron999 said:Yes, Isaiah Bradley is a must for our ML collections, and they will do one sooner or later. The thing is they better do the damn thing right and do their research. I swear if they put the damn thing on that ridiculous Sunfire buck I will loose my isht. The Reaper buck at the least or maybe even the Herc buck. He is a bit larger than Cap but the Reaper buck will work.
They wouldn't use the Sunfire buck. I think it's more likely they'll put Isaiah on the older Wolf Cap buck than anything else.
Yes, Isaiah Bradley is a must for our ML collections, and they will do one sooner or later. The thing is they better do the damn thing right and do their research. I swear if they put the damn thing on that ridiculous Sunfire buck I will loose my isht. The Reaper buck at the least or maybe even the Herc buck. He is a bit larger than Cap but the Reaper buck will work.
On 8/15/2022 at 11:03 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:"Yeah I feel you on that, I have been standing strong with everyone saying we need a diverse stable of female bucks, so many inaccurate female figures on the wrong buck, but I have some faith in the future since they stated that the Shriek buck was going to be one they planned on making basically the Bucky Cap of the ladies figures...."
May have been their stated plan but sure hasn't been executed. Or, they're sure taking their time on it. Binary, Madame Hydra, Invisible Woman, for examples- all of them wasted opportunity. I'm especially ticked at MH because she's been wanted for a long time and desperately needed a re-do. I've said this before, but they need to revisit virtually all of the female figures; there needs to be as much articulation and body diversity as the male figures, and they need to scale properly. At any rate I too hope they get it together; an accurate buck would go a long way on your American Dream,
On 8/16/2022 at 2:55 AM, Atlantis said:IF they were actually to make a female buck like this I could support it, but they have yet to do so. I just can't and won't spend any more $ on weak and incaccurate figures anymore. Its a shame because they have been doing a really great job on the faces ( yes, I know the Sue Richards was awful, but otherwise many of their female head sculpts have been fantastic...no pun intended).
Yeah I feel you on that, I have been standing strong with everyone saying we need a diverse stable of female bucks, so many inaccurate female figures on the wrong buck, but I have some faith in the future since they stated that the Shriek buck was going to be one they planned on making basically the Bucky Cap of the ladies figures, if they did an American Dream on the shriek buck I'd be pleased, but I'm also a sucker for a female figure and I buy em all really, since it's my biggest collection next to symbiotes, the ladies of Marvel, but I do agree they need more variety and let's hope they see that through.
On 8/14/2022 at 2:01 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:Yes This would be the one for me, but I kinda think they wouldn't dub it a Captain America if it was an American Dream, But I can hope
IF they were actually to make a female buck like this I could support it, but they have yet to do so. I just can't and won't spend any more $ on weak and incaccurate figures anymore. Its a shame because they have been doing a really great job on the faces ( yes, I know the Sue Richards was awful, but otherwise many of their female head sculpts have been fantastic...no pun intended).
Could Soldier Supreme be a possibility?