Marvel Legends January 2025 Fanstream Coverage - No Way Home Electro, X-Factor Jean, Maximum Series Spider-Man And Mini-Comic Wave

by Jay Cochran
January 17, 2025
Today Dwight, Ryan and Dan will be presenting another round of Marvle legends reveals to kick off the new year. Among other things we expect to see the new Spider-Man: No Way Home Electro figure which should be going up for pre-order on January 30th at places like our sponsors Entertainment Earth and We are bringing you coverage of everything revealed as it happens below.


Panel beings.

The video is messed up and looks to be pre-recorded. They are showing the No Way Home Electro which goes up for pre-order on Jan 30, the new Ultimate Series Spider-Man which has a ton of accessories. Pre-Order date not given and the Mini-Comic Wave which includes:

- Rom The Space Knight with ROM Mini-Comic #1
- Banshee (Green and Yellow Classic Costume) with Giant Sized X-Men #1 Mini-Comic
- Adam Warlock with Infinity Gauntlet #1 Mini-Comic
- Miles Morales Spider-Man with Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Mini-Comic
- Dark Avengers Wolverine with Dark Avengers #1 Mini-Comic
- Ultimate Iron Man with Ultimate Iron Man Mini-Comic

The video has now been taken down so we will wait and see if they try again.

They have put a new video up which we have updated above. Its pre-recorded but now you can't fast forward.

They are starting by going over the Nemesis X-Men wave and announced a new Green And Yellow X-Factor Jean Grey. She has an alternate head with TK effect and extra hands. Comes on a X-Men Retro Cardback and be released as a Target exclusive going up for pre-order at a later date. And along with Professor X that went up this week, these X-Men figures will be a continuing theme throughout the year at Target.

Next the Spider-Man" No Way Home Electro figure which will be going up for pre-order on Jan 30th. Has the large electric effects and alternate hands. The star mask is not removable.

Next they announced their new Ultimate series with Spider-Man. Looks like they renamed the line Maximum series instead of Ultimate. Sculpt is all new including articulated toes, butterfly joints. They have opened up the hips more. It has a new neck design and includes an unmasked, regular masked head and spider-sense masked tingling head. he also comes with multiple hands, webbing effects,web shield, a set of lower arm/hands that have no costume but have web-blasters on the hands, and projectile stand. This is said to be the most articulated Spider-Man figure to date. The pre-order will be sometime in February and no word on price yet.

Note while Hasbro didn't say, the next figure in this line should be Hulk.

Next they are going over the new Marvel Legends Mini-Comic wave. The mini-comics are just covers that are made of plastic. They come on a blister card type packaging.

- Rom The Space Knight with ROM Mini-Comic #1
- Dark Avengers Wolverine with Dark Avengers #1 Mini-Comic (Has Masked and unmasked head
- Adam Warlock with Infinity Gauntlet #1 Mini-Comic which comes with staff and Infinity Gauntlet
- Ultimate Iron Man with Ultimate Iron Man #1 Mini-Comic
- Miles Morales Spider-Man with Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Mini-Comic which has masked and unmasked head, alternate hands. Has butterfly joints
- Banshee (Green and Yellow Classic Costume) with Giant Sized X-Men #1 Mini-Comic which has two heads and alternate hands

This wave will be going up for pre-order on February 6 at 1pm ET at places like Entertainment Earth and

Finally they teased a pair of accessories which were two arm curl weights.

Panel ends.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
toynewman - 2025-02-12 @ 6:44 pm

The new Hasbro Marvel Legends Series ROM Spaceknight Figure with Mini-Comic Available Again on BBTS from Hasbro is now available again for pre-order at our sponsors and Entertainment Earth with a suggested retail price of $24.99.

Atlantis - 2025-02-09 @ 9:15 am
On 2/8/2025 at 11:48 AM, Maximoffed said:

Speaking of Banshee's face, the screaming one looks just like Tom Cruise having a moment to me. It would work equally well for a skydiving Mission: Impossible kit-bash or an Oprah's-couch-crazy-jumping-up-and-down-meltdown one. LOL

As for the mini "comics", count me in the MEH vote. They look more like little bootleg DVD clamshells with the inkjet printed covers and the black edges. Too thick, not enough details...and essentially pointless (brilliant Stan Lee figure idea aside). Effects pieces would have been much more welcome!

-A sonic effect for Banshee (don't think they ever made one) and other sonic powered characters, and fix his boots

-Boot jets and repulsors for Iron Man ( throw in that snazzy "pulse" effect he used with the Silver Centurion armor- they didn't make it then but there's no reason it can't be used)

-Alt head (neutral) for Warlock (soul gem on his forehead?)

-Webs for Miles Spider-Man

Just some better ideas they could have had for this line up.

AndyL - 2025-02-09 @ 7:09 am

I will say the Ultimate Iron Man does seem to fill up the blister more as compared to Adam Warlock. Of course they could have just strategically placed him higher on the tray to give him the perception of more height. I'm sure one of the reviewers will get it in hand before they ship out in mass and get us some good comparison to other IM figures. Hopefully with plenty of time to cancel if necessary.

stormcloud - 2025-02-09 @ 6:13 am

I would definitely get a few X-Men in Deluxe/Maximum packs.

Nightcrawler with a head in Dave Cockrum style, and one in bright blue with a mullet in Alan Davis Excalibur style. Plus a few nice bamf effects.

Rachel Summers in her hound outfit with a normal head, one with flaming hair, and one with the hound markings. Plus big and small flame-wings.

Wolfsbane in a darker color with alternate heads in various stages of wolf morph, and with a ponytail as she appeared in Excalibur.

Jim Lee Cyclops with new optic blast effects in various sizes, plus the sizzling effect. Maybe a visorless head with red eyes. And the bomber jacket with swappable arms.

Jean Grey with a much needed variety of new telepathic and telekinetic effects.

Gambit with a variety of new charged card effects.

Iceman with an ice sled.

raziel0203 - 2025-02-09 @ 5:14 am

I mentioned this before, but I will probably be picking this one up regardless. That being said, I'm hoping we don't exceed $50. Looks like a great figure! Loving the aesthetic, the packaging, the whole deal! Can't wait to get ahold of this one.

SUPREME007 - 2025-02-09 @ 3:53 am
On 2/8/2025 at 8:32 PM, MrWolf12000 said:

Depends how badass the Shatterstar is, I friggin love him LOL. But your list pretty well matches who I think they would release; watch when they do MCU Maximum variants and the GOTG is 50 bucks a pop

If they do continue this into the MCU, there is almost none that I would purchase. I would buy a Captain America, maybe even a Black Panther (or a Thanos cause their other attempts sucked), but that would be it. Idk why I would not buy more characters if they were to release them in the maximum format maybe it's because they do a decent job at the more popular characters.

SUPREME007 - 2025-02-09 @ 3:47 am
On 2/8/2025 at 8:03 PM, Psychosomatic said:

Totally agree! I think there are easily 20 plus figures that could draw a $50 plus price point and sell through, but c'mon, are you going to shell out $50 plus for a Shatterstar? I'm not. I would pay this for a few characters per year, but they have to be ones I just absolutely can't pass up (Core Avengers, Core X-Men, Main Villains). I feel for this to be successful it needs to feel special and different from the main line - focusing on absolutely top-tier characters like Hulk, Cap, Ironman, Thor, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Colossus, Beast, Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four, Green Goblin, Red Skull, Valkyrie, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Daredevil, Cyclops, Punisher, Cable, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Nick Fury, but that is probably it for me.

The majority of those would be instant purchases for me (including villains Juggernaut, Thanos, carnage, magneto etc), but I will say there are many more characters I would cough it up for the right style and articulation. Examples are Deathlock, and Black Panther (cuz u didn't put it there so I had to!), but actual non-a/b tier guys like Sleepwalker, Wonderman, Darkhawk, Beta Ray Bill, Modern Drax, Machine Man or even characters nobody cares or knows about like Digtek, Charlier 44, Tyrant, Ghostlight, Anti man, Arabian Knight, Abomb, Penace, and so many others that I would be willing to spend the dime on for THE ULTIMATE version of whatever that figure can be, as in end all be all it could not get better (w/in reasonable limits). But what's ironic is here I am just preordering ROM and I am confident a ROM figure could not get to the point where it would be $25 more valuable than what Hasbro had just done. But again Hasbro rarely makes that figure that might just be damn perfect.

Psychosomatic - 2025-02-09 @ 2:12 am
On 2/8/2025 at 5:32 PM, MrWolf12000 said:

Depends how badass the Shatterstar is, I friggin love him LOL. But your list pretty well matches who I think they would release; watch when they do MCU Maximum variants and the GOTG is 50 bucks a pop

OH, I am absolutely certain they will expand this line into the MCU if it is a hit.

MrWolf12000 - 2025-02-09 @ 1:32 am
On 2/8/2025 at 8:03 PM, Psychosomatic said:

Totally agree! I think there are easily 20 plus figures that could draw a $50 plus price point and sell through, but c'mon, are you going to shell out $50 plus for a Shatterstar? I'm not. I would pay this for a few characters per year, but they have to be ones I just absolutely can't pass up (Core Avengers, Core X-Men, Main Villains). I feel for this to be successful it needs to feel special and different from the main line - focusing on absolutely top-tier characters like Hulk, Cap, Ironman, Thor, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Colossus, Beast, Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four, Green Goblin, Red Skull, Valkyrie, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Daredevil, Cyclops, Punisher, Cable, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Nick Fury, but that is probably it for me.

Depends how badass the Shatterstar is, I friggin love him LOL. But your list pretty well matches who I think they would release; watch when they do MCU Maximum variants and the GOTG is 50 bucks a pop

Psychosomatic - 2025-02-09 @ 1:03 am
On 2/8/2025 at 2:57 PM, MrWolf12000 said:

Spider-Man freaks will buy all the Spideys, I and those like me will be a whore for the Wolverines..... I agree this is gonna be top tier Marvel but I can see this being 20 plus figures across the next 4-5 years between characters and versions. You just know theres a black repaint of this Spidey coming.

Totally agree! I think there are easily 20 plus figures that could draw a $50 plus price point and sell through, but c'mon, are you going to shell out $50 plus for a Shatterstar? I'm not. I would pay this for a few characters per year, but they have to be ones I just absolutely can't pass up (Core Avengers, Core X-Men, Main Villains). I feel for this to be successful it needs to feel special and different from the main line - focusing on absolutely top-tier characters like Hulk, Cap, Ironman, Thor, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Colossus, Beast, Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four, Green Goblin, Red Skull, Valkyrie, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Daredevil, Cyclops, Punisher, Cable, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Nick Fury, but that is probably it for me.

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