Fantastic Four Movie Screenplay Completed Plus More Casting Rumors

Fantastic Four Movie Screenplay Completed Plus More Casting Rumors

Jay Cochran - January 21, 2014
Variety reports that Simon Kinberg has completed rewriting the screenplay for Fox's Fantastic Four reboot movie.

As for who will be playing the characters of the Marvel Comics based superhero family, that remains to be seen but rumors indicate that Miles Teller (Footloose 2011) could be up for the role of the team's leader Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards. In an interview at the Sundance Film Festival he told reporters he was testing for the part. Other possibilities are Kit Harington and Richard Madden, both of which are known for roles on the hit HBO series Game of Thrones.

Michael B. Jordan (Friday Night Lights) has been rumored to be playing the role of Johnny Storm, which does seem like an odd choice being he is African American. Now I am not one to get hung up so much on comic book continuity, but since the people who are rumored to be testing for the role of Sue Storm, Kate Mara (House of Cards) and Saoirse Ronan (The Host) are caucasian, and the two characters are siblings I am not sure how that is going to work.

Anyway, Josh Trank is directing this one and Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn and Gregory Goodman are producing.

The Fantastic Four reboot is slated to open in theaters on June 19, 2015.


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