Deadpool 2 is a movie with lots of action and comedic moments that will often have you rolling, similar to the first movie. In true Deadpool style, the audience is part of the film as Deadpool throws shade on other Marvel films and even the DC Universe. However, I can’t say the sequel is better than the first even with the addition of other characters like Cable and Domino. While I wouldn’t expect a complex storyline from a Deadpool movie, I felt this storyline didn’t flow as well as the story in the first movie. They also really oversimplified Cable’s backstory, although I still enjoyed Brolin’s take on the character.
The basic premise for the movie: Deadpool decides to save a young fire-powered mutant marked for death by Cable, a time-traveling mutant from the future. To protect the boy, Deadpool enlists the help of other Mutants to form the X-Force team. While I enjoyed both Reynolds and Brolin in their roles of Deadpool and Cable, I think that Zazie Beetz as Domino actually stole the show. Of course old favorites from the first movie returning such as Colossus (Stefan Kapicic), Dopinder (Karan Soni), Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) helped make the movie fun to. A few surprise guest stars and character appearances will delight fans as well.
One other area I thought the movie lacked was the special effects department. A few scenes that revolved around a particular character looked weak. The CGI just didn’t work that well, although maybe I was a bit spoiled after seeing Avengers: Infinity War the week before.
Despite the few shortcomings of the film, the laughs will more than likely make up for it - and there are plenty of laughs including the after-credit scenes which might be the best part of the movie.
Grade: B+
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