Gunn Is Done With Disney...Still

by Jay Cochran
August 16, 2018
According to Variety, Disney despite appeals from the cast still have no plans to reinstate Guardians Of The Galaxy Director James Gunn after they fired him almost a month ago due to a number of old but very inappropriate tweets regarding rape and pedophilia were dug up online that he had made. The decision to not reinstate him comes after a meeting he had with studio chairman Alan Horn.

There were rumors running around that Marvel president Kevin Feige wanted Gunn reinstated as well, however he apparently was out of town when this meeting between Gunn and Horn happened and reports indicate now that Feige stands by Disney in their decision. Feige will begin the process of finding a replacement for Gunn when he returns. Our money is on Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi. Also no word if Gunn's script for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 will be used or if the movies 2020 release will be delayed or not.

The truth be told, if you bother to read all of Gunn's old tweets I don't think there was any way Disney, a company that has built itself on the idea it is a family oriented company making movies for kids could risk bringing Gunn back. The political reasons why the Tweets were dug up are immaterial and while Gunn claims his tweets about rape and pedophilia were done as a "joke" and to be "edgy", it has left many questioning Gunn's true state of mind when he made those tweets. If Disney had brought him back and later something else came out indicating the man is some kind of pedophile (which we aren't saying he is), it could possibly destroy Disney as a company. We still don't really understand how Disney did not know about the tweets when they hired him initially, but now that everyone knows about them, there would be no chance of playing the ignorance card going forward. There have also been rumors Warner Brothers might try and hire Gunn for DC Comic based movies, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one either, pretty much for the same reason Disney won't hire him back. Gunn at some point, once things die down will likely be able to find work again assuming nothing else about him comes to light, but I doubt it will involve movies that are geared primarily for kids.


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Mr.Pole - 2018-08-22 @ 9:41 pm
On ?8?/?17?/?2018 at 12:04 AM, Hai_Karate said:

Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, "Pole."

Disney lets each division and studio operate with a huge amount of autonomy. Marvel Studios takes care of Marvel Studios business, including hiring and all that goes with it, likebackground checks. The autonomy they operate with was earned, but it's also given out of necessity; despite what people want to believe, Disney is just too damn busy with their own operations to micro-manage Marvel Studios, Pixar and Lucasfilm. To suggest they all knew about the tweets yearsago is pure ignorant speculation. Marvel Studios may have, but Disney didn't.

The real reason for the firing is a simple one: Disney's core value, the ideal everything revolves around and something ingrained into their corporate culture, is that childhood is sacred, special and magical. If there is one line you definitely can't cross with them, it's that. Disney couldn'tcare less about the conservo-twats who dug the tweets up or what supposed pressure they brought to bear. The truth is, Disney would've fired Gunn once they became aware of the tweets, regardless of the way they were discovered/brought to their attention. As I said, those tweets crossed an uncrossable line with Disney. You'reapparently also ignorant of Disney'shistory of cutting ties with profitable people who exhibit unsavory character flaws. For example, once accusations came to light and an investigation was made, they fired John Lasseter--Pixar guru and animation genius who turned Disney animation around--because he had become an abusive drunk. That's a huge loss for Disney there. You just know Dreamworks or Illumination would love to snap him up asap. Or maybe you didn't know that they forced the Weinsteins out of Miramax and then sold it off completely because they heard about Harvey W's atrocious reputation, but couldn't find anyone to step forward and press charges. They believed what they heard though, and cut ties rather than associate with a horrible person, no matter how much money he brought in.

Also, Gunn was an unknown when he was hired BY MARVEL STUDIOS (and not Disney). It was actually a huge gamble to hire him as the director of a big budget flick about an obscure group of comic characters the general movie-going public knew nothing of, let alone cared about.He hadn't done anything to suggest he was capable of helming such a project. He wasn't sought after. He wasn't admired or in demand. To assert Disney knew beforehand and turned a blind eye because of the money he'd bring in is just astoundingly stupid, lacking in both facts and common sense, and full of shat.

Yeah, you don't know what your talking about "Karate." Your ignorant response was filled with nothing but speculation and ill informed opinion. Keep trolling though. Stick with what you're good at. Maybe one day you can learn some simple respect and decorum and maybe you can participate in real world conversations and not just troll online. LOL.

slugzilla - 2018-08-19 @ 6:29 am
6 hours ago, ADour said:

Gunn did explainthe purpose behind those tweets, expressing that his intention those years ago was to act as aprovocateur. He additionally had already apologized for his raunchy attempts at humor.

I don't think that joking about serious issues in such a way necessarily means that a person has a thing for them, especially if the purpose of those "jokes" is to cause a reaction. It's making a joke which is offensive for the sake of it being offensive, and not necessarily to insinuate some kind of depraved fetish. There have been many news of idiot tourists making the Nazi salute in Germany, which doesn't automatically entail they're Nazis. They're just idiots (at the very least, hopefully). I believe this is a similar case with James Gunn.His tweets are disgusting, and don't say anything nice about the person he was in 2010.However, Gunn himself and the people he has closely worked with for over five years expressed that he has changed and that he's no longer the kind of person those tweets reflect. I don't think any kind of conclusion from this incident should be made without taking those people into account. And I don't think it's appropriate to assume Dave Bautista is depraved solely based on his stance from this situation. He knows much more about James Gunn than the slim portion most people get to see.

Gunn's situation has been mishandled for the most part by people online, and shows a toxic mentality. It tells people that it doesn't matter how much they have changed as a person, their lowest point will always definethem. And just in case there's any doubt, I don't mean to defend James Gunn's tweets, or the type of "humor" we waved like a flag back then. I don't even want to pretend to know what course of action Disney should've taken. It's a slippery slope, but there should be some balance between painting him as a misunderstood saintand a depraved would-be child-molester.

Since he was so sorry and apologetic about his tweets, why not delete them? And this whole "I was being a provocateur" excuse is laughable. The reality is that the things he said we're so reprehensible and perverse there was no believable explanation he could offer, so he just said he was joking...

Yes, joking about serious issues does not immediately mean that the person is involved in them. I'll give you that, but this wasn't just one tweet, this was a whole series of horrible tweets, not one of which was funny in any way, all revolving around the same subject, pedophilia. Which should raise a Red flag in most people's eyes. Often where there is smoke, there is fire. Especially in Hollywood. Have you ever heard of anyone by the name Weinstein, Spacey, or Singer?

I agree that people can certainly change, but why not go back and delete those tweets? The mere fact that Gunn left these up on twitter, suggests to me that he was never all that concerned or apologetic about their content. If I was to tweet something awful, get called out on it, and was truly apologetic, I would go out of my way to remove the offensive tweets. And while I know the GOTG cast has said he isn't the same person he was back then, let's not pretend that any of the cast actually know what Gunn does in his private life. My opinion on Dave Bautista is just that, an opinion and I stand by it.

Gunn is the one who really mishandled this situation. A public figure like Gunn should know his tweets will be held to a higher standard & yes these vile tweets will probably define him for some time, quite fairly in my opinion. However, I don't think this sends a message to your average person, that no matter how much they've changed as a person they'll always be defined by their lowest point, as they are simply regular people & not public figures like Gunn, the millionaire Hollywood director.

The sheer volume & subject matter of Gunn's tweets were beyond awful & extremely disturbing. A public figure like Gunn should know better than to post these sort of things that would come come back to haunt him, & had he been sorry enough for tweeting about how much he enjoy's little boys touching his "naughty place", he would have deleted them, however here we are today & it feels like more than anything else, he's sorry he got caught.

ADour - 2018-08-19 @ 1:06 am
4 hours ago, slugzilla said:

Pedophilia is not something that should EVER be joked about. It is a real problem worldwide and it is horrible. The tweets made by James Gunn were extremely insensitive and vile, especially to victims and their families.

Not one of these so called jokes were funny and they suggest that Mr. Gunn at the very least is a sick individual who could very well be involved in pedophilia in some form. He is simply not fit to direct anything until all of these "jokes" are adequately explained.

I find it very sad & pathetic that so many people have defended Gunn and his disgusting tweets. It speaks volumes when thousands jump to the defense of a man who has endorsed pedophilia & may himself be a pedophile, simply because he directed a couple of entertaining movies.

Here's to hoping that Disney will fire Dave Bautista too. He has been the most vocal of Gunn's supporters and I suspect has some disturbing skeletons in his closet as well.

Gunn did explainthe purpose behind those tweets, expressing that his intention those years ago was to act as aprovocateur. He additionally had already apologized for his raunchy attempts at humor.

I don't think that joking about serious issues in such a way necessarily means that a person has a thing for them, especially if the purpose of those "jokes" is to cause a reaction. It's making a joke which is offensive for the sake of it being offensive, and not necessarily to insinuate some kind of depraved fetish. There have been many news of idiot tourists making the Nazi salute in Germany, which doesn't automatically entail they're Nazis. They're just idiots (at the very least, hopefully). I believe this is a similar case with James Gunn.His tweets are disgusting, and don't say anything nice about the person he was in 2010.However, Gunn himself and the people he has closely worked with for over five years expressed that he has changed and that he's no longer the kind of person those tweets reflect. I don't think any kind of conclusion from this incident should be made without taking those people into account. And I don't think it's appropriate to assume Dave Bautista is depraved solely based on his stance from this situation. He knows much more about James Gunn than the slim portion most people get to see.

Gunn's situation has been mishandled for the most part by people online, and shows a toxic mentality. It tells people that it doesn't matter how much they have changed as a person, their lowest point will always definethem. And just in case there's any doubt, I don't mean to defend James Gunn's tweets, or the type of "humor" we waved like a flag back then. I don't even want to pretend to know what course of action Disney should've taken. It's a slippery slope, but there should be some balance between painting him as a misunderstood saintand a depraved would-be child-molester.

slugzilla - 2018-08-18 @ 7:53 pm

Pedophilia is not something that should EVER be joked about. It is a real problem worldwide and it is horrible. The tweets made by James Gunn were extremely insensitive and vile, especially to victims and their families.

Not one of these so called jokes were funny and they suggest that Mr. Gunn at the very least is a sick individual who could very well be involved in pedophilia in some form. He is simply not fit to direct anything until all of these "jokes" are adequately explained.

I find it very sad & pathetic that so many people have defended Gunn and his disgusting tweets. It speaks volumes when thousands jump to the defense of a man who has endorsed pedophilia & may himself be a pedophile, simply because he directed a couple of entertaining movies.

Here's to hoping that Disney will fire Dave Bautista too. He has been the most vocal of Gunn's supporters and I suspect has some disturbing skeletons in his closet as well.

Hai_Karate - 2018-08-17 @ 5:04 am

Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, "Pole."

Disney lets each division and studio operate with a huge amount of autonomy. Marvel Studios takes care of Marvel Studios business, including hiring and all that goes with it, likebackground checks. The autonomy they operate with was earned, but it's also given out of necessity; despite what people want to believe, Disney is just too damn busy with their own operations to micro-manage Marvel Studios, Pixar and Lucasfilm. To suggest they all knew about the tweets yearsago is pure ignorant speculation. Marvel Studios may have, but Disney didn't.

The real reason for the firing is a simple one: Disney's core value, the ideal everything revolves around and something ingrained into their corporate culture, is that childhood is sacred, special and magical. If there is one line you definitely can't cross with them, it's that. Disney couldn'tcare less about the conservo-twats who dug the tweets up or what supposed pressure they brought to bear. The truth is, Disney would've fired Gunn once they became aware of the tweets, regardless of the way they were discovered/brought to their attention. As I said, those tweets crossed an uncrossable line with Disney. You'reapparently also ignorant of Disney'shistory of cutting ties with profitable people who exhibit unsavory character flaws. For example, once accusations came to light and an investigation was made, they fired John Lasseter--Pixar guru and animation genius who turned Disney animation around--because he had become an abusive drunk. That's a huge loss for Disney there. You just know Dreamworks or Illumination would love to snap him up asap. Or maybe you didn't know that they forced the Weinsteins out of Miramax and then sold it off completely because they heard about Harvey W's atrocious reputation, but couldn't find anyone to step forward and press charges. They believed what they heard though, and cut ties rather than associate with a horrible person, no matter how much money he brought in.

Also, Gunn was an unknown when he was hired BY MARVEL STUDIOS (and not Disney). It was actually a huge gamble to hire him as the director of a big budget flick about an obscure group of comic characters the general movie-going public knew nothing of, let alone cared about.He hadn't done anything to suggest he was capable of helming such a project. He wasn't sought after. He wasn't admired or in demand. To assert Disney knew beforehand and turned a blind eye because of the money he'd bring in is just astoundingly stupid, lacking in both facts and common sense, and full of shat.

Mr.Pole - 2018-08-16 @ 7:27 pm

This is hypocritical and disgusting behavior by Disney and to me is more offensive than Gunn's stupid tweets. Disney knew about these tweets BEFORE THEY EVER HIRED GUNN to begin with!!! Yet they were content to have him work his magic and make them hundreds of millions of dollars. Then this assassin drags the old tweets out because Gunn doesn't support Trump and Disney bows to the ridiculous outrage culture we live in and over-reacts and fires him. Now it back fires because no one really cared or wanted him fired other than right wing lunatics and now they've lost the guy upon who's creative genius the entire next phase of the MCU was going to be built. So stupid and so hypocritical. And if you don't think Disney didn't know about the tweet before they hired him then you are fooling yourself. Disney vets minimum wage kids who dress up as Disney Princesses at Disneyland. They certainly vet a person whom they are paying millions of dollars and whom they expect will make them hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars. They didn't care about the tweets when no one was talking about them and he was a valued money maker for them. What a bunch of spineless, gutless executive scum. Someone should go through the history of every one of those executives and judge those idiot based on the stupidest things they did over 10 years ago.

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