Last Friday the world was rocked by the sad and surprising news that Actor Chadwick Boseman had passed away after loosing his battle with colon cancer at age 43. Reports have stated he was first diagnosed with cancer back in 2016, two years before Marvel's Black Panther movie premiered.
The general public was unaware of Boseman having cancer, even after recent images of the actor surfaced showing he had lost an alarming amount of weight. Apparently Disney and Marvel Studios didn't know he had cancer either. According to an article by
The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel's Kevin Feige wasn't told about the cancer until getting an urgent email on August 28, the day the actor passed away.
According to the THR article, Disney was totally unprepared for the actor's passing and is now scrambling to try and figure out how to proceed with the Black Panther character that Boseman almost single handily made so famous. Until about a week ago Boseman, who according to a source in the THR article was convinced he was going to beat the cancer and be able to begin work on the second Black Panther movie, which was set to go into production next March.
Most seem to agree that the two options for how Disney will proceed is to either replace Boseman with a new actor to portray King T’Challa, which many agree would be very difficult to do. Or they could make T’Challa’s sister, Shuri (Letitia Wright) the new Black Panther which is in keeping with a storyline from the comic books.
For me personally it is hard to imagine anyone in that role but Boseman himself. Because I know how important the Black Panther character is to the overall MCU, I know retiring the character completely isn't really an option for Disney. While I didn't personally know Boseman, from everything I have seen and read about him, my gut feeling is he would be most happy if Shuri (Letitia Wright) was allowed to take over the Black Panther mantle so she could become an inspiration and role-model to young girls, like his portrayal of the character did for young boys.
mako -
2020-09-11 @ 3:48 pm
On 9/7/2020 at 8:43 AM, Onslaught1 said:When i heard the passing of King T'Challa i was like no way it cant be every movie chadwick did was amazing he will be missed RIP
King T'Challa DIDN'T die. Chadwick Boseman did. He was a man, not a cartoon character.
mako -
2020-09-11 @ 3:46 pm
My niece just showed me a video from Tic-Toc of Stan Lee meeting Black panther at the Pearly Gates, and the two walking in together.
I thought it was sweet, but at the same time, I feel kinda sorry for Boseman. Be honest, how many of us are heart-broken because a talented actor has died, and how many are upset because "That Who Guy Played Black Panther" died?
Would this thread even exist if Boseman's biggest role had been the male lead in a Lifetime Rom/Com?
When i heard the passing of King T'Challa i was like no way it cant be every movie chadwick did was amazing he will be missed RIP
mako -
2020-09-03 @ 11:34 pm
5 hours ago, tarot said:I can't believe no one thought of this yet. A way of "replacing" T'Challa in the MCU..........................Kasper Cole.
I mean think of it. You can have T'Challa being killed off in the next movie and they found out there is another member of the royal family in hiding. This turns out to Kasper Cole, the brother of Killmonger. Imagine the story of having a heroes who has to work with people who not only killed his father but also his brother.
Its . . . an idea. It would be in incredibly bad taste, but it IS an idea.
11 minutes ago, tarot said:exactly Although I doubt they would make Hunter become BP as he is white (yeah I know, they would change it in the movies) and his other brother hasn't been seen since his death.
Also Kasper would have the more interesting story
tarot -
2020-09-03 @ 6:46 pm
6 minutes ago, leokearon said:Could be interesting, don't forget T'challa also has two brothers which could also be brought in.
exactly Although I doubt they would make Hunter become BP as he is white (yeah I know, they would change it in the movies) and his other brother hasn't been seen since his death.
1 hour ago, tarot said:I can't believe no one thought of this yet. A way of "replacing" T'Challa in the MCU..........................Kasper Cole.
I mean think of it. You can have T'Challa being killed off in the next movie and they found out there is another member of the royal family in hiding. This turns out to Kasper Cole, the brother of Killmonger. Imagine the story of having a heroes who has to work with people who not only killed his father but also his brother.
Could be interesting, don't forget T'challa also has two brothers which could also be brought in.
1 hour ago, leokearon said:Yeah, replacing Boseman is going to lead to comparisons and I'm not sure who would want that extra pressure
Yeah fair or not, If they recast a new actor,there will always be comparisons.
In my circle, there is still debate over who was the best Bond. While I can appreciate what each actor brought to their turn at the role, there are differences to each performance. Some minor (Connery was a cigarette smoker while Moore was a cigar man) and some huge but after an initial warming up period each actor made the role their own.
I truly think a new actor can move the Black Panther story forward. He doesnt have to BE Chadwick Boseman, he just needs to bring something unique to the role.
1 hour ago, leokearon said:Yeah, replacing Boseman is going to lead to comparisons and I'm not sure who would want that extra pressure
His performance wasn't that brilliant. I mean he was good for the part but he was no where near the top. It's not like hewaswas Joaquin Phoenix as Joker or Heath Ledger who also has an incredible performance (but i think is given extra credit because he died so close after that role).
But honestly if the only reason Disney is NOT replacing Boseman is because he died, I feel like we are giving his death too much power. Boseman would have wanted to see the story finished, with or with out him.
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