Felt she was utterly wasted in that ridiculous over the top series. I don't think she was ever fully utilized in the Thor movies either, so we'll see what happens.
It was kinda surprising that A) the Warriors Three were so callously killed off in Ragnarok and B ) the actors were so willing to come in to be so callously killed off. Guess those Marvel checks speak volumes.
Since there is no way the next movie kills off Thor or Jane, Sif is the most likely candidate. Either as motivation for Thor or she had somehow been corrupted by Gorr and is now on the dark side only to redeem herself by sacrificing herself... not sure how but Sif is a goner for sure
I'm glad to see she's coming back.
Cool, I really like her as Sif, I'm glad they are going to give her some more screen time, as everyone says however it would be a shame if they just bring her in to kill her off, it was really sad the warriors got cut in ragnarok.
Yes, this is good news! She's beautiful and she looks great in armor. And yes, I really hope they give her a better role.I especially hope they don't kill her off for some kind of emotional plot device, like they did for Frigga. The love triangle idea is already tired (and yes, I mean 'tired') because they already hinted at it in the second movie. (or was it the first?) The love triangle that would be interesting and amusing would be Thor, Sif and Beta-Ray Bill, as hinted at in the glorious Simonson era.
Oh no sweety don't. I know a major motion picture probably sounds good after your series ended, but stay away from this steaming pile.
Great to see her back, I wonder if they will explain where she was since the Dark World and AOS. Hopefully she will also have an important role and not be either a cameo or cannon fodder
This is good news. I'm hoping she's just more than a prop for this movie. My best guess is she'll end up being part of some love triangle between Thor and Jane. There has been some sort of sexual tension between her and Thor in his movies.
Good news. hopefully she gets a better treatment than the warriors three did in ragnarok but tbh i wouldn't be surprised if she has like 20seconds of screentime and 10of those seconds are her getting kiddled by Gorr. We'll see though.
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