Chris Evans Set To Return To The MCU Already?!?

Chris Evans Set To Return To The MCU Already?!?

Jay Cochran - January 14, 2021
Deadline is reporting that Chris Evans is very close to setting a deal that would see him return as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is despite a number of times the actor suggesting he was fully retired from the role.

If or when he returns, don't expect another Captain America solo movie, but look for him to return in the capacity of a supporting character in other MCU films.


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ADour - 2021-03-22 @ 5:31 pm
2 hours ago, Benn said:

Captain America's ending in the MCU was actual nonsense. They went to great lengths to show us in Endgame that going back in time using Pym particles was actually creating branching timelines in adjacent universes. Thor stole Mjolnir before it was destroyed, Loki escaped with the tesseract,Tilda Swinton lectured Hulk about doomingher world to save his, etc. Then Rogers goes back in time using the same technology, but somehow grows old naturally in the past of the prime MCU? What am I missing? He should have been growing old in some adjacent universe until he decided to rematerialize on that platform, which he never did.

Funnily enough, it shows that they didn't think this through at all since in interviews the directors and the writers have given contradictory explanations. The Russos have said that Steve grew old in a parallel timeline before (somehow) returning to the prime timeline (which would be correct), while Markus and McFeely believehe stayed in the prime timeline.

sentinelofliberty41 - 2021-03-22 @ 2:45 pm
6 hours ago, leokearon said:

Kevin Feige has said Steve Rogers will not be returning to the MCU

Could be the Captain America from the 50s. He took a bad batch of the super soldier serum and it made him nuts so they put him away. That's what I would guess they're doing.

Benn - 2021-03-22 @ 2:28 pm

Captain America's ending in the MCU was actual nonsense. They went to great lengths to show us in Endgame that going back in time using Pym particles was actually creating branching timelines in adjacent universes. Thor stole Mjolnir before it was destroyed, Loki escaped with the tesseract,Tilda Swinton lectured Hulk about doomingher world to save his, etc. Then Rogers goes back in time using the same technology, but somehow grows old naturally in the past of the prime MCU? What am I missing? He should have been growing old in some adjacent universe until he decided to rematerialize on that platform, which he never did.

SUPREME007 - 2021-03-22 @ 12:43 pm
4 hours ago, leokearon said:

Kevin Feige has said Steve Rogers will not be returning to the MCU

Or did he!?!?!?!

leokearon - 2021-03-22 @ 7:57 am

Kevin Feige has said Steve Rogers will not be returning to the MCU

Atlantis - 2021-03-21 @ 10:54 pm
On 1/20/2021 at 4:16 AM, Gigantor said:

Cap's story arc as well as Ironman's have ended, enough already with rehashing #$##. Deep down, Marvel has doubts that their much lesser known characters will have the clout that the big 3 had. Is there even a trailer for Shang Chi which comes out this summer?

I would love to see Cap return to reclaim the shield by the end of the Falcon's show, but at the same time think keeping him around cheapens the farewell the MCU had for him. Let's face it, they closed him out well, but maybe too early.

Atlantis - 2021-01-31 @ 8:51 pm
On 1/14/2021 at 8:55 AM, leokearon said:

Hard to see what would be the point. Steve's story is done, unless they want adventures of Old Man Steve

I agree. They pretty much closed him out. While I would love to see him stay, they themselves ended his story and if they brought it back it would just be hollow and contrived.

Benn - 2021-01-22 @ 5:17 am

I mean, old man Steve was a thing in the comics too, and he got better. It wouldn't be at all surprising to see him de-aged somehow, if only temporarily.

leokearon - 2021-01-20 @ 4:56 pm
2 hours ago, bashpics99 said:

Well they still have the FF and X-Men, hopefully they are working overtime to get projects with those teams off the ground.

F4 is already confirmed, X-Men seems to be taking a bit longer

bashpics99 - 2021-01-20 @ 2:06 pm
56 minutes ago, Gigantor said:

Cap's story arc as well as Ironman's have ended, enough already with rehashing #$##. Deep down, Marvel has doubts that their much lesser known characters will have the clout that the big 3 had. Is there even a trailer for Shang Chi which comes out this summer?

Well they still have the FF and X-Men, hopefully they are working overtime to get projects with those teams off the ground.

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