BREAKING: Doctor Strange faces off against Shuma-Gorath in this new promo art for DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS as part of new merch released by Booktopia!
— Doctor Strange 2 Updates (@DrStrangeUpdate) November 1, 2021
Can't wit to seeShuma-Gorath on the big screen
On 11/5/2021 at 3:29 AM, leokearon said:Why would Wanda be a villain? Olsen herself stated she was already one in AOU and therefore they were done with that angle. Also Wanda is on other merchandise with Steven, Wong and Ms. America as one of the heroes, so the sooner these Wanda is a villain, Wanda will do a reverse HOM rumours end the better.
Well she certainly acted like a villain in wandavision.
On 11/5/2021 at 4:49 PM, K9-K1N6 said:can't argue with that, still i guess the best thing to do is wait and see, time will easily tell
Shame it is another 6 months away.
On 11/5/2021 at 2:29 AM, leokearon said:Why would Wanda be a villain? Olsen herself stated she was already one in AOU and therefore they were done with that angle. Also Wanda is on other merchandise with Steven, Wong and Ms. America as one of the heroes, so the sooner these Wanda is a villain, Wanda will do a reverse HOM rumours end the better.
can't argue with that, still i guess the best thing to do is wait and see, time will easily tell
Come on, we all know the main villain is going to be Mephisto.
Just kidding...
I saw Nerdist reporting on this the other day too. I think we've learned from the past that toy packaging doesn't necessarily mean it happening in the movie. I'll wait till there's a bit more concrete evidence then this, but considering those tentacles that showed up in What If, I guess there's a chance it's true.
I think we are all expecting him to be in the movie and he may as well be the main villain
On 11/5/2021 at 5:10 AM, K9-K1N6 said:i sorta had a feeling it be a different villain but at the same time i can't think of what other Doctor Strange villain could had been here, i bet Scarlet Witch might still play a villain role in this movie somehow, oh man not gonna lie but i'm anxious and kinda spooked to imagine what worst she can do.
Why would Wanda be a villain? Olsen herself stated she was already one in AOU and therefore they were done with that angle. Also Wanda is on other merchandise with Steven, Wong and Ms. America as one of the heroes, so the sooner these Wanda is a villain, Wanda will do a reverse HOM rumours end the better.
On 11/5/2021 at 1:10 AM, Air-Walker said:Shuma-Gorath? Works for me!! Yeah, that'd be interesting to see how Hasbro would handle a figure of him! I'd imagine they could do something pretty cool were they to make him around the size of MODOK, and give him bendy tentacles! Gawds, this makes me hope we'll see the likes of the In-Betweener, or Nightmare or Chthon in future Dr Strange films!! Really excited for this!!
Would really love an in-betweener. Then throw in some giant ass heads for Master Order and lord Chais and we really got something.
i sorta had a feeling it be a different villain but at the same time i can't think of what other Doctor Strange villain could had been here, i bet Scarlet Witch might still play a villain role in this movie somehow, oh man not gonna lie but i'm anxious and kinda spooked to imagine what worst she can do.
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