According to sources, there have been discussions about bringing back the original gang for an upcoming "Avengers" movie. This would entail reviving Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man and Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, despite their deaths in "Endgame." However, the studio has not yet given the green light to this idea, as it would require a significant financial investment to bring these actors back. Insiders reveal that Downey Jr.'s salary for "Iron Man 3" alone was approximately $25 million, highlighting the potential cost of this endeavor.
According to Feige, the rumours are false and seem to have stemmed from Marvel are talking with Scarlet to produce something for them
multiverse is cool for introducing a new iteration of a character - either villainous or quirky or what-have you. the drawback is that its hard to establish stakes which is kind of important when we already know the lead character is gonna have plot armor. so they are mostly useful for fun one-offs but not great as the basis for a sprawling epic (probably why most of DC' crises have left me somewhat cold)
Aside from most of the characters Im attached to being gone, the heavy leaning on multiverse killed a lot of my interest in the MCU. That stuff just does not interest me in the slightest. And the growing fatigue of how everything is constantly entwined still. At this point, Im just hoping both X-Men and F4 will be a breath of fresh air.
Sometimes you have to know when to get off the stage.

Tony and Nat had such good send offs, we don't be needing this, is marvel just scared that the casual fans are getting tired and think they need to bring back the big guns? yeah I'm sure
although....A.I. old man Tony could be kinda cool...emphasize on could, but only if there is a musical segment somewhere where Robert Downey sings one of his songs from his horrific Futurist album

For me, the primary issue is what do you do with these characters now that they are brought back........IF they are brought back?They all went out on a high, it makes the characters look good, it makes the actors look good..........but coming back for a one-time as a villain or a lesser-version in a single film, can also be a taint.Who really wants to be remembered for a role---as a role-model, but be shown as less than ideal??Sure, recasting takes that edge off--because a different actor means they don't have to play by the prior rules.....but........then it can cheapen the character. Where's the audience investment then, where's the draw?
I wonder if it was meant that the characters of Tony and Natasha would be back, but not necessarily RDJ and Scarlett. I mean, things heard online could be thrice removed efore reported.
But I'm hoping they leave well enough alone. Tony Stark, as well As Steve Roger's, Nat and Thor, have had the best arcs and character development. And while I wasn't thrilled some were killed off, by the end their runs were epic. I can pretty much guarantee maybe only Spidey will have reached that level by the time it's all said and done.
The Infinity Saga was unprecedented and much of the growth came organically. I love Sam Wilson but he wont have the run Steve had no matter how many years he is in the role of Cap. So while I'd be great to see RDJ, Evans, Scarlett etc back, at this point they can only harm their legacy. Best they wait 30 years like Star Wars did a d bring them all back for another instant billion dollar reunion film. But unlike Star Wars, NOT kill off my childhood heroes just because they can .
This current Multiverse thing seriously needs to end. I get it with Kang it comes with the territory. Compared to the Infinity Saga, it has been a let down. The Multiverse stuff has been getting so bad I convinced a friend that DCs the Flash had a Avengers cameo. If they had, it may have been the only thing that could save that film haha
On 11/2/2023 at 10:25 AM, since83 said:Agreed. Hope they dial it way back. Heard a rumor that World War Hulk would be Ruffolo v Norton v Bana. The only reason I don't believe the rumor Is Norton wouldn't be on board. But it's a stupid idea. They already ruined WWH by the way they did his Sakar story though, so not sure how they'd do the story if they ever actually are alowed to do a Hulk movie.
Yeah, any rumor that involves Norton and Marvel Studios ever working together again can pretty much automatically be dismissed. Neither is interested in working with the other.
On 11/2/2023 at 2:36 PM, Thwippersnapper said:Maybe some flashbacks or something. Im over the alternate universe stuff so Id hope thats not it.
Sadly that seems to be the whole idea of the multiverse saga
On 11/2/2023 at 9:36 AM, Thwippersnapper said:Maybe some flashbacks or something. Im over the alternate universe stuff so Id hope thats not it.
Agreed. Hope they dial it way back. Heard a rumor that World War Hulk would be Ruffolo v Norton v Bana. The only reason I don't believe the rumor Is Norton wouldn't be on board. But it's a stupid idea. They already ruined WWH by the way they did his Sakar story though, so not sure how they'd do the story if they ever actually are alowed to do a Hulk movie.
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