Never liked the whole digital and physical on separate dates but still looking forward to it
Oh neat, there's a release date now.
On 6/20/2024 at 11:31 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:Like I say they should have just included every Capcom Marvel game, why not you were so close? It's arcade CP2 games, War of the Gems is a SNES game.
On 6/20/2024 at 2:55 AM, leokearon said:War of the Gems would have been nice, like we have one Scrolling beat-em up why not another one Like I say they should have just included every Capcom Marvel game, why not you were so close?
On 6/20/2024 at 3:46 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:Ahh things like this make me really want a Switch, I do have these games well most of them in some form or another in my collection but I'm always a sucker for everything in one place at the same time, super odd addition with Punisher being included, but a good addition since I love that game. War of the Gems would have been a nice addition, maybe also X-Men : Mutant Apocalypse. but then again should have just tossed in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Infinite as well to just have all of the Marvel Capcom games in one bundle. they have I swear released this collection more then once already,,, but maybe with a game or 2 less , I don't know anymore. War of the Gems would have been nice, like we have one Scrolling beat-em up why not another one
Ahh things like this make me really want a Switch, I do have these games well most of them in some form or another in my collection but I'm always a sucker for everything in one place at the same time, super odd addition with Punisher being included, but a good addition since I love that game. On 6/19/2024 at 2:54 AM, leokearon said:They could have also thrown in War of the Gems War of the Gems would have been a nice addition, maybe also X-Men : Mutant Apocalypse. but then again should have just tossed in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and Infinite as well to just have all of the Marvel Capcom games in one bundle. they have I swear released this collection more then once already,,, but maybe with a game or 2 less , I don't know anymore.
On 6/18/2024 at 6:42 PM, RobertD said:I like how they randomly tossed Punisher in there. I'm definitely down for this. They could have also thrown in War of the Gems
I like how they randomly tossed Punisher in there. I'm definitely down for this.
This should be a lot of fun
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