Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas will be co-writing a new Marvel comic series this April with Benjamin Jackendoff.
The pair previously worked together on a story for MARVEL COMICS 1000 that focused on Red Wolf and will now be teaming up with acclaimed comic artist Scott Eaton on WEREWOLF BY NIGHT. The series will introduce a brand-new Werewolf by Night character to the Marvel Universe in a story set in Arizona. The new Werewolf by Night will be a young man named Jake who will be dealing with the effects of a family curse while trying to protect his people. The events of the story will also be driven by the outcome of March’s OUTLAWED one-shot.
“We're going through a Native lens because of my Native American heritage,” Taboo told “I always liked storytelling from a native perspective. Although I was born in the city of Los Angeles, recently I've been really connected to the Indian country or to native communities to be able to be a service and help native youth, inspire them, especially when it comes to health and wellness, and arts and music. So we built our partnership knowing that when we create, we create through a native lens…”
“I think Werewolf by Night is such an interesting character, a cool character. His mythology is really dope, and it was such an exciting opportunity to be able to revamp a new mythology and tie it into Native American storytelling,” Jackendoff added. “That's really what got us excited because they were like, ‘All right, cool. We can take the Werewolf by Night brand and stay true to the genre of it all, the creatures, the monsters, the big stuff, all that, but tie it into Native American storytelling, into a Native American background and palette, but still make it a fun adventure story about a kid.’"
I did end picking up the trade but admittedly havent read it yet. Was turned off by skimming some of the dialogue and seeing where they took the story. Maybe will give it a read someday, just a little bummed that Marvel hyped this Taboo contribution so much when this was announced then they deliver this hack story.,
a few years prior Jack Russell was given a limited series in the MAX imprint that was true horror. Story was pretty ok but was hoping this Taboo version would have been more horror and less Saturday morning cartoon. Now with breaking no new ground with this new Werewolf, Marvel has just continues their baffling choices to have multitudes of a same character running around.
On 1/16/2021 at 4:26 AM, Atlantis said:Two issues in and I'm done. I had high hopes for this comic but it just doesnt work. Really, its almost like some 70s-80s morning cartoon show concept, where they take what is normally a more serious, menacing character (Godzilla, Hulk) and give them some high-tech equipment, and transform that character's personality so much he's barely recognizable.Janitor at a local top-secretlaboratory by day, werewolf who encounters other werewolves (and what not that are cybernetically enhanced of course),by night.
Maybe not as silly and cringe-inducing as Agents of SMASH, but nothing worth hanging for to see it it improves.
Kinda what I expected. Marvel is just throwing caca at the wall nowadays & seeing what sticks. Getting a musician to write a comic is laughable. Where's Jim Shooter when you need him!
On 1/20/2020 at 10:46 AM, JayC said:Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas will be co-writing a new Marvel comic series this April with Benjamin Jackendoff.The pair previously worked together on a story for MARVEL COMICS 1000 that focused on Red Wolf and will now be teaming up with acclaimed comic artist Scott Eaton on WEREWOLF BY NIGHT. The series will introduce a brand-new Werewolf by Night character to the Marvel Universe in a story set in Arizona. The new Werewolf by Night will be a young man named Jake who will be dealing with the effects of a family curse while trying to protect his people. The events of the story will also be driven by the outcome of Marchs OUTLAWED one-shot.We're going through a Native lens because of my Native American heritage, Taboo told I always liked storytelling from a native perspective. Although I was born in the city of Los Angeles, recently I've been really connected to the Indian country or to native communities to be able to be a service and help native youth, inspire them, especially when it comes to health and wellness, and arts and music. So we built our partnership knowing that when we create, we create through a native lensI think Werewolf by Night is such an interesting character, a cool character. His mythology is really dope, and it was such an exciting opportunity to be able to revamp a new mythology and tie it into Native American storytelling, Jackendoff added. That's really what got us excited because they were like, All right, cool. We can take the Werewolf by Night brand and stay true to the genre of it all, the creatures, the monsters, the big stuff, all that, but tie it into Native American storytelling, into a Native American background and palette, but still make it a fun adventure story about a kid."

Two issues in and I'm done. I had high hopes for this comic but it just doesnt work. Really, its almost like some 70s-80s morning cartoon show concept, where they take what is normally a more serious, menacing character (Godzilla, Hulk) and give them some high-tech equipment, and transform that character's personality so much he's barely recognizable.Janitor at a local top-secretlaboratory by day, werewolf who encounters other werewolves (and what not that are cybernetically enhanced of course),by night.
Maybe not as silly and cringe-inducing as Agents of SMASH, but nothing worth hanging for to see it it improves.
On ?9?/?13?/?2020 at 8:58 AM, McHogan said:Like the overall look of this werewolf except the under bite. Poor design choice. Cant image that would be a functional evolutionary feature
Yes it IS odd...reminds me of wild pig tusks.
17 hours ago, Gigantor said:Jack Russel wasn't a huge guy, a classic WBN should come on the already available Jackal buck. New snarling & yelling head sculpt plus fist & open clawing hands & we are good to go! Won't buy any modern rendition of WBN, classic version would be ideal for the next Spidey retro wave along with Hector Ayala White Tiger utilizing the just released classic MK buck, different lower arms/legs & unmasked Hector head sculpt, open/closed MA hands. Classic Tarantula utilizing the MK buck as well.

Wasn't talking about a classic WBNjack russell. I just want a cool werewolf figure in my life. Based on the new version of WBN. Ill buy both versions. Just a very cool looking werewolf. This version could go on the beast body with alternate hands and head. I shouldve specified.

1 hour ago, McHogan said:If Im being honest here, I want this to succeed because I want a Marvel Legends Werewolf by Night update.
Classic is preferred but Iabsolutely would take any version to get a Werewolf with the incredible articulation of Legends
this is my whole take away from this new series I hope it generates enough popularity that we can get a new WBN, I hope it's a classic look with the Alt more Modern wolflike head, I'd be really happy if we could see a Marvel Horror resurgence, oh so happy
If Im being honest here, I want this to succeed because I want a Marvel Legends Werewolf by Night update.
Classic is preferred but Iabsolutely would take any version to get a Werewolf with the incredible articulation of Legends
A classic Jack Russell WEREWOLF would be killer.. maybe an alt head that reflects his more modern appearance.
I agree though, classic WBN isnt a hugecreature.. they kept him close to the old UniverseWolf Man appearance for his early look
If this new guy is Beast size or something similar thats fine too, many Werewolf stories have the creature quite large
On 9/11/2020 at 3:11 PM, EUPHORICVIKING said:I just want Hasbro to make us a werewolf by night figure that uses the Beast mold and looks similar to this.
Jack Russel wasn't a huge guy, a classic WBN should come on the already available Jackal buck. New snarling & yelling head sculpt plus fist & open clawing hands & we are good to go! Won't buy any modern rendition of WBN, classic version would be ideal for the next Spidey retro wave along with Hector Ayala White Tiger utilizing the just released classic MK buck, different lower arms/legs & unmasked Hector head sculpt, open/closed MA hands. Classic Tarantula utilizing the MK buck as well.

Like the overall look of this werewolf except the under bite. Poor design choice. Cant image that would be a functional evolutionary feature
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