The X-Men Thought They Conquered Death...

The X-Men Thought They Conquered Death...

Jay Cochran - February 12, 2020
A new teaser from Marvel for Marauders #11.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2020-02-13 @ 4:40 pm

Who cares. Really.

This is what comics have been reduced to. Overblown arcs that spread across multiple books that result in status quo, that lead to pointless reboots. "Shocking" deaths that inevitably are not shocking at all, because the character will return.

So why even have the death in the first place? Its a sign of poor writing and editing. Pointless side plots, silly soap opera crap. The ridiculous clone/alien/shapeshifter/robot/time traveler/alternate dimension answer they have to come up with,to explain awaythe idiotic corner they shouldn't have written themselves into in the first place.

MonsterChris - 2020-02-13 @ 2:50 pm

Can't believe Emma wore white to a funeral. That's just the height of bad taste, Emma Grace!

monron999 - 2020-02-13 @ 1:23 pm

It was only her Skrull impostor. Lockheed is also an impostor. The real Kitty is still stuck in Widget.

Starlord67 - 2020-02-13 @ 12:54 pm

Yep..they all come back. Said before but worth repeating...death in comics means nothing these days. Glad to see Lockheed is doing ok for now.

leokearon - 2020-02-13 @ 8:09 am

She'll be back

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