The truth about the Infinity Stones will come to light this summer in INFINITE DESTINIES! Shown last week at the ComicsPro retailer event, Pepe Larraz’s cover for BLACK CAT #8 reveals that someone new is trying to get their hands on the most important artifacts in the Marvel Universe. Felicia Hardy’s next heist will be for none other than the Infinity Stones, and she won’t be the only character seeking to wield their power. The INFINITE DESTINIES event will run through a series of eight Annuals this June but the titanic clash for the stones is heating up now in the pages of Jed MacKay’s hit run on BLACK CAT. And the aftermath will have major repercussions on the series moving forward!
“In the first year of BLACK CAT, Cat stole things from the most powerful heroes on Earth.” says Editor Nick Lowe. “This summer, she steals the most powerful things in the Universe!”
"Felicia Hardy- the BLACK CAT- gets tangled up with the INFINITY STONES, some of the most dangerous prizes in the universe. Felicia may be the most accomplished jewel thief on the planet, but when those jewels hold the power of the cosmos, it's a whole new ball game. Felicia is in a race against the others who would seek to control the stones for their own ends- like NICK FURY (and a secret someone you won’t see coming!),” MacKay teased. “Who can cross the world's most dangerous men, wrangle a pack of villains hopped up on fragments of infinite power, (hopefully) get the job done and look great all the while? The BLACK CAT, that's who!”
Check out the cover, interior artwork from artist C.F. Villa, and stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information on INFINITE DESTINIES as the chase for the Infinity Stones begins!
Written by JED MACKAY
Art by C.F. VILLA
7 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Ah fair enough, I guess I am used to seeing more overly powerful characters using the glove, in the past, and probably don't remember a ton of newer stories involving it other then MCU which depicts it as being too powerful for just any one to use. I still remember the old stories where mostly big cosmic guns were using it.
I'm sure it's classic clickbait cover, and she doesn't use it,I mean comics covers like this existed before term clickbait originated. I'm actuallysurprised by quality of art, generally glad to see Felicia Having her own book, definitely getting collected edition of it when it's out.
1 hour ago, sentinelofliberty41 said:Gosh, you're so on point it's insane. I really want someone on the book who can capture each voice, right now everyone talks and quips like Tony Stark. I miss having the main roster and a young avengers. Have the classic guys show up to mentor or the young ones come in to aid the old dogs from time to time and keep them tied together. Have a classic roster on the main team and rotate a few spots. It practically writes itself and could be an interesting and good way to bring in those newer characters by tossing them on the Young team. Heck, even have some old Avengers there to guide the younger team so the main roster doesn't have to stay huge.
Yeah, the Avengers have Ghost Rider(Robbie) yet they don't really mentor him aside from Carol at times. They have so many characters that fall in the Avengers bracket that they could do so much with like a New Avengers team: Swordswoman (daughter of the Swordsman), Eli Bradley Patriot (grandson of the first Captain America, and son of Josiah Patriot), Tom Foster Goliath (nephew of Bill Foster), Toni Ho (daughter of Ho Yinsen, co-creator of Iron Man armor), Lila Rhodes (niece of James Rhodes the War Machine), could even introduce Kiri Oshiro (daughter of Rumiko Fujikawa like her Secret Wars Armor Wars counterpart), Kevin Masterson Thunderstrike (son of Eric Masterson, the original Thunderstrike), Tommy Shepherd Speed (son of Scarlet Witch),Kate Bishop Hawkeye (legacy of Clint Barton Hawkeye), Laura Kinney Wolverine (daughter of LoganWolverine), Ava Ayala White Tiger (sister of Hector Ayala White Tiger), Angela Del Toro (niece of Hector and Ava Ayala the White Tigers), Max BrashearDr. Positron and Adrienne Brashear(son and daughter of Adam Brashear the Blue Marvel), Cassie Lang Stinger (daughter of Scott Lang Ant-Man), Victor Alavarez Power Man (legacy of Luke Cage and Iron Fist),America Chavez, Ultra-Girl, Avengers Academy kids, Avengers Initiative kids, other unused young characters andhave the roster rotate every so often so they know what it's like to be Earth's Mightiest Heroes back up team while also being mentored by them at the same time letting them do their own thing. Additionally, have the Main team overseeing everything, while having a black ops team, Secret Avengers, a reserve team made up of heroes from around the globe to strengthen relationsAvengers World, a team that deals with strengthening relationswith Mutants, Atleanteans, Kree/Skrull Alliance members living on Earth, Eternals, Deviants, Inhumans, Shi'ar, etc... a team that has a feeder system of a reopened Avengers Academy which would be the Young Avengers team, which would then lead them to be on one of the other teams, and having various heroes go to the Academy and teach them teamwork, mentor them, be friends and be there for them, etc... and team ups with the Champions, New Mutants kids, Strange Academy kids, etc...
1 hour ago, nWoWolfpack said:Yep, I feel it should've also included other characters as well like have Wanda, Wonder Man, Vision, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, etc... come in and rotate with other characters. When Al Ewing wrote Empyre he used Aaron's Avengers team, and other Avengers characters better and brought in Hulkling, Cotati Swordsman, Quoi, Mantis, Wiccan, F4, and the Agents of Wakanda. Also in the Empyre: Avengers tie-in by Zub he used: Luke Cage, Dr. Nemesis, Gorilla Man, Black Knight, Wanda, Vision, Ka-Zar, Doctor Voodoo, Quicksilver, Wonder Man, etc... who pretty much have all been in limbo. Also Aaron's goal in the Avengers is just to make them look bad especially Thor. Hell even Tony and Carol are out of character like "we're not family" line, when protecting baby Starbrand, which was dumb killing off Kevin when it's possible for there to be multiple Starbrands especially from different planets. Also the whole Squadron Supreme of America and the previous team is just forgotten about. The choice of choosing Black Widow for a space mission when they can call: Spectrum, Blue Marvel, Quasar, etc... He only seems to write Black Panther and Blade good. Namor contradicts what Zdarsky wrote in Invaders and what Pak was writing in Agents of Atlas. Aaron already needs off of Avengers, he should stay on writing Jane Foster and give him maybe Black Panther. There's plenty of creators who would do great on the Avengers titles, give us a few titles, with classic characters back as well as new characters in the ranks like Toni Ho, America Chavez, Kate Bishop, Patriot (Eli), Goliath (Tom Foster), etc... and have the books be interconnected with each other like the X-Books. Hell they don't even interact with the rest of the MU like the rest of the Marvel books, like Hulk hasn't appeared, Champions haven't appeared, Empyre wasn't mentioned, neither was Absolute Carnage, and it looks like Aaron is doing KiB tie in, as obligation before Heroes Reborn, and after his Phoenix tournament stuff.
Gosh, you're so on point it's insane. I really want someone on the book who can capture each voice, right now everyone talks and quips like Tony Stark. I miss having the main roster and a young avengers. Have the classic guys show up to mentor or the young ones come in to aid the old dogs from time to time and keep them tied together. Have a classic roster on the main team and rotate a few spots. It practically writes itself and could be an interesting and good way to bring in those newer characters by tossing them on the Young team. Heck, even have some old Avengers there to guide the younger team so the main roster doesn't have to stay huge.
5 hours ago, sentinelofliberty41 said:Not to interrupt since you weren't talking to me but I have to interject, Wasp should always be in the Avengers. That was my immediate problem with Aaron's run. She is one if the longest running members and was chairman longer than anyone, including the big three. I really hope we get a book with her avenging again that includes a relationship with her and Hank someday. I'll scurry out of the conversation now.
Yep, I feel it should've also included other characters as well like have Wanda, Wonder Man, Vision, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, etc... come in and rotate with other characters. When Al Ewing wrote Empyre he used Aaron's Avengers team, and other Avengers characters better and brought in Hulkling, Cotati Swordsman, Quoi, Mantis, Wiccan, F4, and the Agents of Wakanda. Also in the Empyre: Avengers tie-in by Zub he used: Luke Cage, Dr. Nemesis, Gorilla Man, Black Knight, Wanda, Vision, Ka-Zar, Doctor Voodoo, Quicksilver, Wonder Man, etc... who pretty much have all been in limbo. Also Aaron's goal in the Avengers is just to make them look bad especially Thor. Hell even Tony and Carol are out of character like "we're not family" line, when protecting baby Starbrand, which was dumb killing off Kevin when it's possible for there to be multiple Starbrands especially from different planets. Also the whole Squadron Supreme of America and the previous team is just forgotten about. The choice of choosing Black Widow for a space mission when they can call: Spectrum, Blue Marvel, Quasar, etc... He only seems to write Black Panther and Blade good. Namor contradicts what Zdarsky wrote in Invaders and what Pak was writing in Agents of Atlas. Aaron already needs off of Avengers, he should stay on writing Jane Foster and give him maybe Black Panther. There's plenty of creators who would do great on the Avengers titles, give us a few titles, with classic characters back as well as new characters in the ranks like Toni Ho, America Chavez, Kate Bishop, Patriot (Eli), Goliath (Tom Foster), etc... and have the books be interconnected with each other like the X-Books. Hell they don't even interact with the rest of the MU like the rest of the Marvel books, like Hulk hasn't appeared, Champions haven't appeared, Empyre wasn't mentioned, neither was Absolute Carnage, and it looks like Aaron is doing KiB tie in, as obligation before Heroes Reborn, and after his Phoenix tournament stuff.
20 hours ago, ADour said:Yes, the gauntlet can also be worn by anyone.
Ah fair enough, I guess I am used to seeing more overly powerful characters using the glove, in the past, and probably don't remember a ton of newer stories involving it other then MCU which depicts it as being too powerful for just any one to use. I still remember the old stories where mostly big cosmic guns were using it.
48 minutes ago, ADour said:I think that they've used Pymtron a good amount of times. He first popped up in Uncanny Avengers, then Secret Empire, then Infinity Wars, and Tony Stark: Iron Man just a year ago. It's not like regular Ultron appeared every other week either.
100% agree with you on Zub and Ewing. Those two and Waid have done so good with No Surrender and No Road Home that I'd love to see the three become the architects of the Avengers, each having their own Avengers title with a level of interconnectivity similar to the current X-books.
That'd be so good, I'd add Kelly Thompson, Kieron Gillen, and Nick Spencer
ADour -
2021-02-26 @ 9:49 pm
8 hours ago, nWoWolfpack said:I mean they dont use PymTron either way, hes just floating in a space inside his own cell. Plus since Aaron has full control of the Avengers right now, PymTron, Janet, Wanda, Wonder Man, Blue Marvel, Spectrum, America Chavez, Kate Bishop, Patriot, Stinger,and so many other Avengers are just living in limbo, just the characters in his book. Like give the team to Jim Zub or Al Ewing the two creators whove done great with the Avengers before. I feel if Ewing or Zub write the Avengers, PymTron would get used more often as well as other characters stuck in limbo
I think that they've used Pymtron a good amount of times. He first popped up in Uncanny Avengers, then Secret Empire, then Infinity Wars, and Tony Stark: Iron Man just a year ago. It's not like regular Ultron appeared every other week either.
100% agree with you on Zub and Ewing. Those two and Waid have done so good with No Surrender and No Road Home that I'd love to see the three become the architects of the Avengers, each having their own Avengers title with a level of interconnectivity similar to the current X-books.
On 2/25/2021 at 6:36 PM, JayC said: 

Its worth mentioning that we still don't have this exact costume of Black cat in figure form, just sayin.
6 hours ago, nWoWolfpack said:I mean they dont use PymTron either way, hes just floating in a space inside his own cell. Plus since Aaron has full control of the Avengers right now, PymTron, Janet, Wanda, Wonder Man, Blue Marvel, Spectrum, America Chavez, Kate Bishop, Patriot, Stinger,and so many other Avengers are just living in limbo, just the characters in his book. Like give the team to Jim Zub or Al Ewing the two creators whove done great with the Avengers before. I feel if Ewing or Zub write the Avengers, PymTron would get used more often as well as other characters stuck in limbo
Not to interrupt since you weren't talking to me but I have to interject, Wasp should always be in the Avengers. That was my immediate problem with Aaron's run. She is one if the longest running members and was chairman longer than anyone, including the big three. I really hope we get a book with her avenging again that includes a relationship with her and Hank someday. I'll scurry out of the conversation now.
8 hours ago, ADour said:I like Pymtron as an established thing. Unless they manage to do something properly with Hank after hypothetically returning him to life, I'd rather they didn't just revert Pymtron for the sake of status quo.
I mean they dont use PymTron either way, hes just floating in a space inside his own cell. Plus since Aaron has full control of the Avengers right now, PymTron, Janet, Wanda, Wonder Man, Blue Marvel, Spectrum, America Chavez, Kate Bishop, Patriot, Stinger,and so many other Avengers are just living in limbo, just the characters in his book. Like give the team to Jim Zub or Al Ewing the two creators whove done great with the Avengers before. I feel if Ewing or Zub write the Avengers, PymTron would get used more often as well as other characters stuck in limbo
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