The Best Way To Stop Beast... Is Beast

The Best Way To Stop Beast... Is Beast

Jay Cochran - December 09, 2023
Beast has finally gone too far and X-FORCE enacts a radical plan to take him down in next month’s X-FORCE #48. Don’t miss this long-awaited evolution for an original X-Men icon as writer Benjamin Percy and artist Robert Gill set the stage X-FORCE’s milestone 50th issue.

X-FORCE #48 – 75960609467704811
On Sale 1/24
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
GrtWhiteCustoms - 2023-12-11 @ 11:37 pm

I want back the fun beast from his AVENGERS Era. That's when I was introduced to him. I always enjoyed his relationship with wonder man.

RobertD - 2023-12-11 @ 5:34 pm
On 12/10/2023 at 3:35 PM, tarot said:

Bobby hasn't as far as I know

On 12/10/2023 at 4:44 PM, McHogan said:

Oh you may be right. I, like everyone else forgot about Iceman haha

He went crazy/evil back in the Liu run of Astonishing and killed a bunch of people.

McHogan - 2023-12-10 @ 10:44 pm
On 12/10/2023 at 4:35 PM, tarot said:

Bobby hasn't as far as I know

Oh you may be right. I, like everyone else forgot about Iceman haha

tarot - 2023-12-10 @ 9:35 pm
On 12/10/2023 at 9:33 PM, McHogan said:

This officially means all the original XMen have turned evil..must be that pesky X gene

Bobby hasn't as far as I know

McHogan - 2023-12-10 @ 9:33 pm

This officially means all the original XMen have turned evil..must be that pesky X gene

Hogun - 2023-12-10 @ 3:42 am

Bring back the blue fur ball that we all know and love. Not the current blue nut case we all hate.

Atlantis - 2023-12-09 @ 11:40 pm

Man I am so out of touch with the X-Men these days. And every time something like this comes up, I'm glad to be.

The premise though, that a hero could turn villain, is not a bad one. If handled correctly.

GarimusPrime - 2023-12-09 @ 7:25 pm

It would be great once this is all over with if they could put Beast back on the Avengers, along with Wonder Man. Give him some time to readjust and clear his head before going back to the X-Men (if they'd even have him back).

leokearon - 2023-12-09 @ 6:22 pm
On 12/9/2023 at 5:49 PM, tarot said:

Are they going to turn him back into the jolly beast we know?

That's even the Beast's plan. He altered his Ceberbro files, so if he ever got resurrected it would be based on his Furry Blue Monkey Man from the Avengers not his evil current version

tarot - 2023-12-09 @ 5:49 pm

Are they going to turn him back into the jolly beast we know?

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