Marvel has decided not to move forward with two of the four previously announced animated comedies that were slated to air on Hulu. Howard The Duck and the Tigra And Dazzler shows are no more. The other two, MODOK and Hit Monkey are still moving forward.
The Tigra And Dazzler series had reportedly been dealing with writing staff issues and production was halted back in December. The decision by Marvel to scrap these two shows is likely part of a house-cleaning measure being taken due to the transition from the Jeph Loeb era of TV programing to the Kevin Feige one. Feige was named Marvel's chief creative officer of film, TV and animation back in October.

Sometimes its better not to go ahead and rethink what youre doing, rather than end up with an unmanageable mess. Frankly I don't know wtf anyone was thinking, trying to make a Dazzler series of Anything. Some moron of an exec is looking at Marvel's stable and thinking about money some of these will earn, but almost nothing about the characters themselves. Maybe they want to take a "Space Ghost" approach- take a serious action hero and turn it into goofy campiness- or maybe they really don't know what theyre doing. But I'd rather see brakes applied rather than going forward. Besides their latest forays into animation have just resulted in bland, washed out and stiff productions that wasted time and money.
14 hours ago, Gigantor said:Why? Is Marvel comics that reliant on the MCU to help em sell comics? That's sad & just tells me they have no talent good enough to sell certain titles w/o a big MCU movie to give em attention. DC at least has the confidence to just keep making DC animated movies based on actual iconic/famous comic storylines& doesn't rely on the movies for it. An Ironman based direct to DVD "Demon in the bottle" or "Armor wars" animated movie with animation based on the artists who drew the books, would be an instant $$ maker for them.
I would buy them in an instant as well, my friend, but I think you answered your own question. Writing? Marvel has been consistently getting "better" as of late in the comics, but seriously, is there anyone you think is capable of doing an animated series right now without screwing it up. Maybe it will just take time before they could comfortably transition to animation. Yes, the best bet is to start with established stories written by real writers (not columnists, musicians, wrestlers, artists, reverends, actors, activists, etc....) from the past and then pick up to some of the more recent somewhat successful story lines. Maybe they just need to get some of those writers like Claremont or Byrne to run their animation division. Feige can only do so much, and with them involving him in the Star Wars franchise (baaaaad news for Marvel fans) he's gonna be spread even thinner. I think it's just a matter of time before they set out to conquer the animation genre as they have the cinematic.
1 hour ago, mako said:Except that they did do that during their deal with Lionsgate. It didn't really do that well for 'em. Granted, they didn't put half the effort into making their OVA good that DC/Warners put into theirs, but still, they gave it a shot.
And a few like "Planet Hulk" & Hulk vs Thor& Wolvy were very good. Didn't care for the Ironman nor Dr Strange movies though. The 1st 2 Ultimate Avengers were also good imo. Wish Marvel would do this again but with classic story arcs I've mentioned & based on the art of those issues.
Not all that surprising. Ike perlmutter and jeph loeb are out, feige is in. Happens in television all the time, a new network chief comes in and cancels a lot of programs in development that were approved by the previous exec. Plus they are obviously trying to consolidate all marvel tv under one roof (Disney plus) , wouldnt be that surprised if modok and hit monkey get axed as well.
27 minutes ago, monron999 said:I think they just don't feel the need to at this time. They have the spotlight and worldwide recognition right now and are at the top of their game. With all the irons in the fire right now I just don't think it's a priority to them. Would I like it, of course. Do I really think they need it, not so much. I get the feeling if/when they do it they wanna do it in a similar way to MCU. All separate shows that can interconnect or cross over easily.
Why? Is Marvel comics that reliant on the MCU to help em sell comics? That's sad & just tells me they have no talent good enough to sell certain titles w/o a big MCU movie to give em attention. DC at least has the confidence to just keep making DC animated movies based on actual iconic/famous comic storylines& doesn't rely on the movies for it. An Ironman based direct to DVD "Demon in the bottle" or "Armor wars" animated movie with animation based on the artists who drew the books, would be an instant $$ maker for them.
16 hours ago, Gigantor said:Marvel needs to make 2 separate animated universes. 1 solely directed at kids under 12 & one made for 13 & older. One thing WB gets right with their DC animated universe is they make it aimed at older teens & adults. None of that kiddy crap. DC loves to adapt to animation, classic/iconic DC comic events or story lines & they are awesome! Why does marvel not do the same?
I think they just don't feel the need to at this time. They have the spotlight and worldwide recognition right now and are at the top of their game. With all the irons in the fire right now I just don't think it's a priority to them. Would I like it, of course. Do I really think they need it, not so much. I get the feeling if/when they do it they wanna do it in a similar way to MCU. All separate shows that can interconnect or cross over easily.
37 minutes ago, Gigantor said:Don't think they care to do that. Who were Dazzler & Tigra aimed at? Howard the Duck is Z level comedy relief. The movie was crap a comic series about him would maybe last 9-10 issues tops before low sales cancel it.
Both Dazzler and Tigra have fans but I doubt either have enough to really warrant a show, they were probably hoping that the show would let to more fans. Howard was clearly done to cash in on his MCU cameos.
Don't think they care to do that. Who were Dazzler & Tigra aimed at? Howard the Duck is Z level comedy relief. The movie was crap a comic series about him would maybe last 9-10 issues tops before low sales cancel it.
2 hours ago, Gigantor said:Marvel needs to make 2 separate animated universes. 1 solely directed at kids under 12 & one made for 13 & older. One thing WB gets right with their DC animated universe is they make it aimed at older teens & adults. None of that kiddy crap. DC loves to adapt to animation, classic/iconic DC comic events or story lines & they are awesome! Why does marvel not do the same?
Better yet, why not cartoons that appeal to both kids and older fans like the 90's cartoons
Marvel needs to make 2 separate animated universes. 1 solely directed at kids under 12 & one made for 13 & older. One thing WB gets right with their DC animated universe is they make it aimed at older teens & adults. None of that kiddy crap. DC loves to adapt to animation, classic/iconic DC comic events or story lines & they are awesome! Why does marvel not do the same?
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