James Spader, the Emmy-winning actor, is scheduled to return as the voice of the robotic antagonist Ultron in Marvel Studios' upcoming untitled Vision series, which serves as a sequel to the highly praised WandaVision. Spader originally portrayed this character in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Paul Bettany is returning to portray Vision, the android who developed a romantic relationship with the Scarlet Witch and was subsequently destroyed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. In WandaVision, he reappeared through the influence of magic and the depths of grief, but also as a reconstructed android, now exhibiting a ghostly white appearance.
At the conclusion of the Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ultron appeared to be annihilated, leaving ambiguity regarding the manner of his potential return and the nature of his relationship with Vision.
The series is intended to serve as the third installment of a trilogy that began with WandaVision and progresses with Agatha All Along, set to premiere in September on Disney+. The upcoming show is planning to commence filming in England in early 2025.
The Hollywood Reporter
I apologize for this but when I see Ultron now, I cannot help but think ............oh, it's just Raymond Reddington in a metal suit. My bad.
On 8/23/2024 at 8:27 PM, Ironspider428 said:Ohhhhh that's exciting! I loved Spader as Ultron, can't wait to see him as the character again.
As do I, I loved Spader as Ultron, I thought he was a great character, and Have been hoping to see him pop up again, people hated on AOU but I loved it.
I guess we knew Ultron was still around though when he appeared in that short thingy that was on the Marvel Cruise, that was supposed to be MCU Canon.
Wasn't a fan of Spader's Ultron and him coming back would seem to weaken AOU's ending
Ohhhhh that's exciting! I loved Spader as Ultron, can't wait to see him as the character again.
They generally nerfed the Vision after his first appearance (but one can say that about Thor and to be sure, the Hulk as well) so I'd hope they wouldn't do that here. After all he was supposed to be an UPGRADED model for Ultron to inhabit, so it made no sense. I'll be curious how they're going to pull this off.....glad to hear Spader's on board. And I do hope Ultron will look more the way he's supposed to. Given that the cgi looked nothing like Spader, its not like they lose anything by having him in his classic look.
This is really exciting news imo!!! Super excited for the Vision show. And hearing this not only solidifies that it's actually happening, but that it is gonna follow the comics...at least a bit! Glad Ultron is getting a bit more time. I never hated that movie like others did. Not perfect, but better than not.
tarot -
2024-08-23 @ 11:16 pm
well, if it's like the comic, Vision may have a program in him that forces him to rebuild Ultron.
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