On 7/12/2019 at 7:38 AM, TheMarvelMan said:I can't believe that you were able to balance the fig in that pose! Nice job! It's fairly easy, I've seen reviewers do it on the spot, From posingmy figuresrun in my collection and I've realized that it's easier if they're in a more exaggerated running pose like what's in the photo. It's more hard to balance figures in a more normal and realistic running pose (like my Infinity War Black Panther leading the Avengers againstmy imaginary Outriders)
Yeah, that running effect is awesome. I wish I knew how that's done.
To reiterate previous comments, terrific running effect! And that pose must be another effect also, right? I can't believe that you were able to balance the fig in that pose! Nice job!
Wow...great picture of one of my favorite new figures. Love it! Great job!
3 minutes ago, Atlantis said:Yes indeed that is sweet! Only wish Hasbro had sculpted on his little hair tufts, but the photo itself is PURE GOLD.....or maybe silver in this case....like QuickSILVER....great job!! puns
Yes indeed that is sweet! Only wish Hasbro had sculpted on his little hair tufts, but the photo itself is PURE GOLD.....or maybe silver in this case....like QuickSILVER....great job!!
Rakanishu, you are killing me. This is awesome. I have no idea how you made this effect but I know it is outside my skill set. Like the new look of the ML Quicksilver too. Anyway, congrats on another epic pic and keep up the good work. Its back to the drawing board for me. Thanks
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