Tech Deck Dude "Adam" Figure Review

Tech Deck Dude "Adam" Figure Review

Jay Cochran - May 13, 2003

Ace the Bat Hound sends us these reviews of the new Tech Deck Dude "Adam" figure.

Tech Deck Dude "Adam"
available at Target etc.

I found out about this toy just a couple days ago, and was lucky to find him at Target today. I have never even given these a second glance, but I just had to have this one.

As you can see it is a blatant (but copyright dodging) Batman Tech Deck Dude! There are absolutely no references anywhere on the figure to Batman or any other trademarked person/place/thing, but they named him "Adam", an obvious reference to Adam West. And the outfit is a dead ringer, only lacking the Bat symbol (which there is no room for anyways!).

There are apparently quite a few of these little "Finger skaters". The "Dudes" are supposed to be little fingers dressed in a variety of outfits and themes. Each one comes with a magnetic skateboard and metal embedded feet. Great for tricks, but unfortunate for those of us who hoped it was his feet that were magnetic (No refrigerator stakeouts for this bat dude). But there are still a lot of cool poses you can put him in with his board. Plus mine came with a BONUS snowboard! I can change themes each winter!

Target's shelves say they are $4.99 each, but at the checkout it rang up $3.44 plus tax. Well worth it to have such a unique Batman. I grabbed the last one, but will definately be on the lookout for another to keep in the package (this one is sidewalk surflin' on my desk as we speak!).


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