Oroku Saki us this review of the Trigun Action Figures.
He decided to review the Kaiyodo/Toy Tribe Trigun action figures because they are very detailed and the Anime series seems very popular right now. Each figure comes with many interchangeable parts and a wide variety of accessories.
Vash the Stampede
Opening Statement
The Vash the Stampede action figure by Kaiyodo/Toy Tribe is one of the best representations of Vash ever made.
Wow, this figure looks so much like Vash. It is very detailed and has many points of articulation. The articulation is as follows; Hands(2), Elbow(4), Shoulders(6), Head (2), Waist (1), Feet (2), Gun Arm(1). Kaiyodo/Toy Tribe did not leave out a single detail (from his tiny earring to his dark blue eyes). His left arm also can separate to reveal a gun, this is very cool and does not harm his sculpt at all. You cannot even tell he has this feature just by looking at his hand. Vash also comes with variant hands so you can pose him in any memorable position from the Anime Trigun. It would have been nice if this figure had more leg articulation, but the molded coat prevents this. There is also a variant figure of Vash the Stampede which has a different head with sunglasses sculpted on. I think that the version without the sunglasses looks much better because the sculpted sunglasses seem bulky. Overall, this figure is a great representation of the character.
Also included is a base of a wooden floor (with bullets scattered all over it--26 to be exact). The base also includes a wanted sign with a picture of Vash, and a handcuff which can be attached to the figure.
Accessories + Extra parts
Here is where the Trigun figures really shine. They always include many accessories and/or extra parts.
The accessories included with Vash are:
-3 Variant hands (5 interchangeable hands in total)
-The small Cat
-“Bullet floor” base
-Wanted sign for the base
-Smaller sign that attaches to the wanted sign
Grade 9.4/10- Excellent Job Kaiyodo/Toy Tribe!
Vash Variant Info
There was also a variant “Black/Dark” Vash released. The only differences between that figure and the Red Coat
version are:
-He is painted differently (Black Coat, Silver Hair, Red Eyes, different skin tone)
-The gun is sculpted differently (it has a blade at the end)
-The wanted sign features a character other than
Vash (either BDN or Gosef Nebraska)
-The cat he comes with has a grin
-he floor on the base he comes with is bloody.
Nicloas D Wolfwood
Opening Statement
This will most likely be the only Nicolas D Wolfwood action figure to be released for a long time. It is a good thing that it is currently the best representation of Wolfwood on the market.
A very good sculpt. Wolfwood is in his trademark dark blue suit and is more detailed than ever. My only complaint is that his head is slanted down, so it may be hard to see his face. This figure is very detailed and has many points of articulation. The articulation is as follows; Hands(2), Elbow(4), Shoulders(4), Head (1), Legs (4), Knees (2) and Feet (2). He also comes with variant hands so you can pose him in any memorable position from the Anime Trigun. Wolfwood includes a different head with sunglasses sculpted on. I think that the sculpted sunglasses look great, but I prefer the head without them. Overall this figure is a great representation of the character.
Also included with this figure is a base with many crosses. The Punisher Cross can fit into the base and looks great when displayed.
Accessories + Extra parts
Kaiyodo/Toy Tribe decided to include many great accessories with Wolfwood.
The accessories included with Wolfwood are:
-Cross Punisher
-A cloth to wrap the Cross Punisher
-A chain that you can wrap the cross punisher with.
-A base with crosses (Cross Punisher fits into base)
-An alternate head with sunglasses
-2 handguns,
-A portable confessional (that actually fits Vash’s head!!!)
-4 Variant hands (6 interchangeable hands in total)
Grade 9/10- Another Great Figure by Kaiyodo/Toy Tribe!
Wolfwood Variant Info
The variant version of Wolfwood has gunshot wounds on his left arm, left thigh, and right ankle. I tend to prefer the regular Wolfwood over this version. However, this figure is great for posing. The Variant does not include any additional or altered weapons or accessories.