Package Description
The man known as Erik Lehnsherr emerged a survivor from history's greatest act of evil, having lost everything he had ever known. He brought with him a perfect knowledge of the lexicon of hate, and mankind's capacity for inhumanity. He feels more keenly than most will ever know what it means to be different, and be hated for it.
As one of Earth's most powerful mutants, MAGNETO sees himself as the savior of his kind, a liberator who will burn away all those that stand in the way of the mutant ascendancy. His entire life has been spent in pursuit of that final goal.
Recently however, he witnessed another of history's greatest tragedies. Even as his lifelong goal came within his grasp, mutant turned against mutant, and all was lost. He lives now without powers, a broken man from a broken land, hoping one day to see again his dream of mutant supremacy rise and cover the Earth.
Magneto has a solid paint job, with a base color of red and a black wash. The cape is showing up as a blue color in the pictures, but it is really a purple that matches the purple paint well. The cape partially covers the shoulders, but can't be drawn over to fully cover the shoulders because it is kept in place by the purple ring around his neck. The cape is a different material than Dr. Doom's or Thor's, and works well with this figure to maintain the creases in the cape. The problem with it is that while it's stiff enough to maintain the creases and shape of the cape, it doesn't flow naturally around the body in some poses.
Magneto has the new standard build body for Hasbro's Icons, shared with Human Torch and Cyclops with a few tweaks. The arms can look a little skinny sometimes, but it's much less of a problem compared to Cyclops and Human Torch because there are additions to his costume such as the cape. He has the same problem in that it looks like he has 8 pack abs, but it's not too visible. Overall the joints blend in well on this figure, making a pretty fluid figure.
Magneto could have benefited from a bigger build. A bigger build would have also helped the helmet seem more proportional. The head is sculpted at the right size, and is a good likeness. The head sculpt definitely has the ideological leader look to it. The only thing wrong with the head is that the face is not painted, it is molded in the same light flesh tones as 6" figures like Quicksilver.
Overall, I've warmed up to how the figure looks compared to my initial impressions. While he doesn't have a big build, it is solid. He'll look a lot better on display though with the helmet off. Particularly when posing him with other Icons figures, taking the helmet off is a good idea for Magneto to be able to grab attention.
For the most part articulation is standard. Hasbro has settled on a mix between Toybiz and Hasbro joints, with ball jointed wrists, ankles, and neck with double pin joints for the elbows and knees. The only problems are the ball joints connecting the legs to the torso. The pin is at an angle, which makes raising and lowering the leg more of a hassle than it should be. Overall he's got a good range of motion in everything except the legs, where an awkward twist has to be used to position them.
Magneto has a lot of good leadership type poses, particularly with the helmet off. Action and fighting poses are much more of a problem because of the angles the legs move out and the flow of the cape. The large helmet can also look overly conspicuous in some poses. Overall, unless you are going to string him up flying, Magneto is probably best posed by himself with the helmet off.
Final Judgment: 6
It can be very difficult to pose Magneto in a way that looks good. He doesn't go particularly well with other figures because of this, even though he looks great as a stand alone. The problems with action poses hurts the most, so compared to other Icons figures Magneto can only get a 6.
10. My favorite possession.
9. My favorite action figure.
8. One of my favorite action figures.
7. An exceptional action figure.
6. A good, but not exceptional action figure.
5. An adequate action figure.
4. Not worth the money I spent.
3. I'll give it to somebody's kid.
2. I'll give it to somebody's dog.
1. It's going to lose a fight with my car.
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