The Son of Zeus finally arrives in 3.75” plastic form with Hasbro’s Marvel Universe wave 21 Hercules figure. Incorporating a new body sculpt, is the Olympian a figure worth adding to your collection or one you should pass on? Read on to find out.
Check out hi-res images for this figure in our
GALLERY below.
Packaging - The packaging for this figure is similar to what we have seen with previous Marvel Universe waves. The art on the top left corner of the card front continues to be done by comic artist Mike Deodato Jr. while the figure is clearly displayed below along with the figures name. The little comic shot is featured on the bottom left corner of the card.
The back features an image of the figure along with a brief bio for the character and images for other figures in the wave. Towards the bottom is an image of Alpha Flight’s Sasquatch who says “Collect Them All! Hey, I think I just spotted...oh, you’d never believe me!”
Sculpt - This figure incorporates 100% new tooling and sports quite a bit of nice detailing for a guy who doesn’t really wear a lot of clothes. There is a lot of sculpting detail in the muscles, especially in the torso area. I also really like the likeness they managed to capture in the face with this one. Both the chest harness and belt are separate rubber pieces while the boots and wrist bands are sculpted on. Sculpt-wise, this is probably the nicest looking figure in the entire wave.
Paint - The figure uses a green metallic paint on the harness while the green on the shorts is a bit darker. The boots, belt and wrist bands are a basic brown. The hair and beard also incorporate brown. I can’t tell if they tried to use a lighter brown wash in the hair or if it’s a paint error, either way when you look at it up close it seems a bit off. The rest of the figure uses skin tones which aren’t bad.
Articulation - The head is attached with a hinged ball joint which gives it a good range of motion left, right, up and down. It has swivel-hinged shoulders, swivel biceps, hinged elbows, swivel-hinged wrists, swivel torso, ball-jointed hips, swivel thighs, double-jointed knees, swivel calves and ankle rockers. At least on my figure you have some seperation between the shorts and the leg leaving the joint partly exposed when you put him in certain poses.
Accessories - Hercules comes with his battle club. It would have been cool if the figure had some kind of hook on the belt to hold the club similar to what they did with the Marvel Legends version. Also, as I always like to mention, a figure stand would have been nice instead of the comic shot cardboard piece.
Overall - This figure has decent articulation and is a good looking sculpt for characters with bigger builds. This is possibly the nicest figure in wave 21 so whether you’re a fan of the Olympian god or not, it’s probably worth picking up and adding to your collection.
Score - 3 1/2 out of 5