11 hours ago, GojiBill said:I agree, Kaine taking over the Scarlet Spider role was a great, although short, run. I remember when there was talk about him getting the Venom symbiote, which would have been awesomeIMO.
I would have loved to see that, maybe as a mini series or a one-shot.
3 hours ago, greenlucario said:Then you're both missing out on a great (if short lived) series having not read any of Scarlet Spider (Kaine) by Chris Yost, suit yourselves.
I agree, Kaine taking over the Scarlet Spider role was a great, although short, run. I remember when there was talk about him getting the Venom symbiote, which would have been awesomeIMO.
Ive still gotta go back and read House of M, at some point. Im entirely unfamiliar with the story, or how Spidey even plays a role in it. The designof the costumes though are pretty interesting.
Don't care about the House of M very much, but the Kane is very cool. The stingers and the unmasked head is very cool.
As always, the stop motion segment is very funny.
21 hours ago, Apocalypse2122 said:I dont know anything about this guy so the phallic things coming out of his hands are more than a little weird to me haha
28 minutes ago, Gmen4ever said:You're not missing much. Just another umpteenth spidey ripoff clone character.
Then you're both missing out on a great (if short lived) series having not read any of Scarlet Spider (Kaine) by Chris Yost, suit yourselves.
You're not missing much. Just another umpteenth spidey ripoff clone character.
I dont know anything about this guy so the phallic things coming out of his hands are more than a little weird to me haha
That Scarlet Spider buck would make for a good Human Torch re-do or custom job. I know I can't be the only one that was not pleased with their Walgreens version of the Torch. Too tall, bad idea to throw in a translucent head & it should have been on the Sunfire buck.
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