Marvel Legends 6" Fantastic Four Retro Dr. Doom Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends 6" Fantastic Four Retro Dr. Doom Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - October 10, 2020
Madness 80 takes a look at the new Marvel Legends 6" Fantastic Four Retro Dr. Doom figure from Hasbro.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2020-10-13 @ 6:52 am
7 hours ago, ransomz said:

I wonder if that collar means we're getting a classic Toad? I sure hope so. And Master Mind while they're at it.

It is possible

ransomz - 2020-10-12 @ 11:35 pm

I wonder if that collar means we're getting a classic Toad? I sure hope so. And Master Mind while they're at it.

EvilHayato - 2020-10-12 @ 5:01 pm

I hope I can find a reviewer that takes the cloth piece off and puts the head back on in comparison. His colors would work great for a Marvel Vs Capcom doom. I have the baf wave one and i love both heads on that one so its not a big thing but would def be curious.

Sidewinder - 2020-10-11 @ 4:35 pm

a Fantastic Four wave would be awesome.

The Fantastic Four has such a rich library of characters that have never been released in Marvel Legends style (either Toybiz or Hasbro):

Puppet Master

Red Ghost






Mad Thinker

Molecule Man


DylanRaven055 - 2020-10-11 @ 4:20 pm

I'm just buying it for the accessories. I mean, the figure is nice, but the books are what cought my attention.

tarot - 2020-10-11 @ 3:29 pm

@bashpics99 if the figure is put up for preorder by itself its not part of a wave.

bashpics99 - 2020-10-11 @ 3:25 pm
49 minutes ago, Benn said:

Nah, he's a fan channel exclusive, and precursor to an F4 retro wave.

Ah, OK thanks

Benn - 2020-10-11 @ 2:41 pm

Nah, he's a fan channel exclusive, and precursor to an F4 retro wave.

bashpics99 - 2020-10-11 @ 11:45 am
6 hours ago, Benn said:

I still have over 20 of the original Doom in my store inventory at $21.50/each with zero movement, so I hope people aren't paying too much elsewhere.

That's crazy, seems like he has been very hard to find for a lot of folks (he's currently at about $40 on amazon) so hopefully some people will hit you up. Unfortunately my guess is that once the new version comes out people will lose interest in superskrull waveversion since the newer one comes with the book accessories (and, to a lesser extent, the green effect pieces)

Also i'm a bit confused, i thought this guy was gonna be part of an FF retro wave.. or is he a solo release? How are people getting ahold of him already if he's part of a wave. what characters make up the rest of the wave? or did someone just steal one off a factory floor or something.

leokearon - 2020-10-11 @ 7:24 am

Since I have the BAF wave Doom, this is an easy pass.

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