For some reason the hair on this one just keeps throwing me off.
I got her pre-ordered. I hope to see her arrive this month.
1 hour ago, RoyalsHornetsHurricanes said:did Firestar have a double mastectomy?
I'm pretty sure 90 percent of ML female figures have since after the Juggernaut wave.
did Firestar have a double mastectomy?
Yeah i think the faces look a bit different than i would've expected but this figure is still one i am very likely to pick up . Some new, different flame effects would've been nice but the figure does come with an alternate head, hands and the dog (with articulated head) so not much to complain about imo
8 hours ago, MRT said:is it just me or do both heads look weird? Even the box art's face is off... Glad I'm not interested in this fig.
It is a bit of an awkward jaw line, or maybe the mask is riding a bit high, but I suppose it adds a little realism that it's not the same type female head sculpt as we're used to seeing.She actually looks like someone I know, and whohappens to very stunning. Of course, she's got a little more meat on her bones (more like the Moonstone buck, LOL), but that's a discussion for another time.
is it just me or do both heads look weird? Even the box art's face is off... Glad I'm not interested in this fig.
Yeah still thinking bout this one. I amon the fence cuz Ihave no connection to the old spider animated show, but it's a new character so...
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