X-Men Marvel Legends Marvel's Wolverine (Bonebreaker Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

X-Men Marvel Legends Marvel's Wolverine (Bonebreaker Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - May 17, 2022
Erivera94 takes a look at the new X-Men Marvel Legends Marvel's Wolverine (Bonebreaker Build-A-Figure) from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2022-05-18 @ 4:25 pm
On 5/18/2022 at 4:36 PM, Atlantis said:

Not sure anyone needs to kitbash this 'cause they definitely will make the actual astonishing suit soon (running out of Wolverines to do). Basically shorter points on the mask, take the X-Force figure's gloves and boots, change paint, call it a day.

They've yet to put him in the Fang costume....so there's that....

There's also Team-X Logan, but then they might have to go into Alternate realities like HOM

Atlantis - 2022-05-18 @ 3:36 pm
On 5/17/2022 at 4:42 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

The more I see this figure the more I think of how easy it would be to kitbash some parts to just make Astonishing Wolverine, just take off those shoulder pads, put some blue ones on (from some other recent wolverine) and switch out those hot claws, I'm sure tons of people will do this. I just don't know why they did this how claws flash in the pan look first....

Not sure anyone needs to kitbash this 'cause they definitely will make the actual astonishing suit soon (running out of Wolverines to do). Basically shorter points on the mask, take the X-Force figure's gloves and boots, change paint, call it a day.

They've yet to put him in the Fang costume....so there's that....

SpiderS - 2022-05-18 @ 7:20 am

Dry Brushing claws with metallic silver will really make claws 100 times better but that head still sits too high and when will they paint his arm hair, they give arms detail for a reason but they look like weird scars without paint.

leokearon - 2022-05-18 @ 7:08 am
On 5/18/2022 at 1:42 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

The more I see this figure the more I think of how easy it would be to kitbash some parts to just make Astonishing Wolverine, just take off those shoulder pads, put some blue ones on (from some other recent wolverine) and switch out those hot claws, I'm sure tons of people will do this. I just don't know why they did this how claws flash in the pan look first, should have just done Astonishing Wolverine, because people seem to want it, I know I don't care either way. I don't want to buy more Wolverines if I don't have to. I wish I had less Wolverines at this point.

Yeah, why they didn't go for the Astonishing look is strange, like all they needed to do was change the shoulder pads and the boots.

ADour - 2022-05-18 @ 1:08 am

Everytime I see this figure I think about how Hasbro missed the opportunity to use it to debut a pinless Wolverine mold. That would have made people look at this figure a bit more favorably since it would have been more than another Wolverine repaint.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-05-18 @ 12:42 am

The more I see this figure the more I think of how easy it would be to kitbash some parts to just make Astonishing Wolverine, just take off those shoulder pads, put some blue ones on (from some other recent wolverine) and switch out those hot claws, I'm sure tons of people will do this. I just don't know why they did this how claws flash in the pan look first, should have just done Astonishing Wolverine, because people seem to want it, I know I don't care either way. I don't want to buy more Wolverines if I don't have to. I wish I had less Wolverines at this point.

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