Marvel Legends Retro Collection Avalanche Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Retro Collection Avalanche Video Review And Images

Outsiders - February 22, 2023
GeekHangover takes a look at the Marvel Legends Retro Collection Avalanche from Hasbro. This figure is available from our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Chunkylover - 2023-02-24 @ 7:55 pm

What is being demonstrated in the picture showing the socket on the bottom of the head? Is it suggesting that the helmet can be removed?

Chunkylover - 2023-02-24 @ 7:53 pm

I'm excited about this figure. Dang! Did it break on you during the shoot? That's terrible.

Emnems80 - 2023-02-24 @ 7:10 pm
On 2/24/2023 at 12:39 AM, leokearon said:

I'm glad he doesn't come with the big A, but yeah he really needs some sort of effect pieces

And a second head with some expression is what's also needed.

leokearon - 2023-02-24 @ 8:39 am
On 2/24/2023 at 6:16 AM, The Mad Bubbler said:

He's decent. As others have said, the lack of some effects pieces is notable, and I would have preferred the outfit with the big ol' "A" on the chest, but a long overdue figure that I'll definitely buy.

I'm glad he doesn't come with the big A, but yeah he really needs some sort of effect pieces

The Mad Bubbler - 2023-02-24 @ 6:16 am

He's decent. As others have said, the lack of some effects pieces is notable, and I would have preferred the outfit with the big ol' "A" on the chest, but a long overdue figure that I'll definitely buy.

super-chillin - 2023-02-23 @ 5:11 am

had they done his head/helmet like so, i would have paid for this figure. but nooo.


monron999 - 2023-02-23 @ 4:47 am

It's very rare that the Toybiz version of any figure beats out Hasbro in it's current state but this is one of those times. I know it's a difference between Classic Avalanche versus some artistic interpretation, but this is just flat out plain looking. Still happy to have it though.

Amazing_Spidey - 2023-02-23 @ 4:31 am

This figure looks so much better with an effect on his wrist. We all have plenty. I'm using a blue " circles with energy balls", but a new conical concentric circle pulse effect would have been great for him and Quake. Other than that, this guy was a long time coming. Very happy to have Freedom Force just one fig down. C'mon Destiny!!!! She has been mega important lately as well, no reason make her.

I have the figure, and it never occurred to me why it felt - incomplete - you hit it on the head, it's the lack of circle pulse effects. While it was a "duh" moment for me, it was a bad lack of inclusion on Hasbro's part. As you pointed out they have dozens from which to choose from and I would think the increase in production cost would have been minimal - especially when you factor the lack of BAF pieces with these figures.

It feel like Hasbro is cutting corners wherever possible while charging more and more - I mean a dog for the GOG3 BAF. Remember when we got Fin Fang Foom? Those were the days!

since83 - 2023-02-23 @ 3:09 am

This figure looks so much better with an effect on his wrist. We all have plenty. I'm using a blue " circles with energy balls", but a new conical concentric circle pulse effect would have been great for him and Quake. Other than that, this guy was a long time coming. Very happy to have Freedom Force just one fig down. C'mon Destiny!!!! She has been mega important lately as well, no reason make her.

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