BlueComet takes a look at the
Strange Tales Marvel Legends Daimon Hellstrom (Build-A-Figure Blackheart) from
Hasbro. This figure is available for purchase through our sponsors
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Satam -
2024-10-14 @ 5:10 pm
I let y'all go off topic for a while, because it was Daimon Hellstrom adjacent...more or less. That and I was out of town at the time. But this isn't a Ramen Racer thread, an "Engine of Vengeance" thread, a Ghost Rider thread, or a Fin Fang Foom thread. It's time to either bring the conversation back on topic (the Hellstrom figure) or take it to PM or something.
AndyL -
2024-10-14 @ 1:48 pm
On 10/11/2024 at 12:37 PM, since83 said:For sure, not quite right on that body. Better than nothing though!
Don't wanna relitigate the whole thing, but I think the main issue was lack of nostalgia/love for this character. The early bird started it off bad, and them not updating the actual Pulse site with the tiers and so on hurt too. But there was a very loud and visceral hate campaign at the same time against Hasbro/Disney. Not gonna name ninjas, but 18 video about how much this was gonna be a rip off was a bit much. The price was high, but for me 200 for the car (cheap compared to the RRacer) and 150 for a potential five pack of figures seemed fair, if we got all the tiers. Big if, I know. But Blackheart coming out with Hellstrom keeps me thinking he was gonna be tier 4. So 2 deluxe figs and three nice new ones woulda been fine with me. Funny story, when the thing failed I told my wife, "well at least you won't have to hear about this thing ever again." And she said, "No, I'm gonna hear about it the rest of my life." Lol

Yep. There are still a lot of people that get very triggered just at the mention of the EoV debacle. Even on this site. But it is what it is and it is very relevant to the history of Haslab and for it's demise. In the end there are really very few characters left that have a good chance for a Haslab type crowd source anyway. Maybe FFF but that's a subject for another topic.
For sure, not quite right on that body. Better than nothing though!
Don't wanna relitigate the whole thing, but I think the main issue was lack of nostalgia/love for this character. The early bird started it off bad, and them not updating the actual Pulse site with the tiers and so on hurt too. But there was a very loud and visceral hate campaign at the same time against Hasbro/Disney. Not gonna name ninjas, but 18 video about how much this was gonna be a rip off was a bit much. The price was high, but for me 200 for the car (cheap compared to the RRacer) and 150 for a potential five pack of figures seemed fair, if we got all the tiers. Big if, I know. But Blackheart coming out with Hellstrom keeps me thinking he was gonna be tier 4. So 2 deluxe figs and three nice new ones woulda been fine with me. Funny story, when the thing failed I told my wife, "well at least you won't have to hear about this thing ever again." And she said, "No, I'm gonna hear about it the rest of my life." Lol

AndyL -
2024-10-11 @ 4:08 pm
On 10/10/2024 at 5:21 AM, since83 said:I don't think they wanted to advertise too much. I saw a Displaying Model Behavior review that said the first thousand would get it. I got it and it's awesome! I was hoping it'd fit Chamber, but it was specifically made to fit the last Ghost Rider. Looks great, although I still wish it glowed through the seat in synch with the car like the EoV woulda!
That makes sense. Guess they didn't want to put it too much out there to risk a lawsuit from the big bad Disney machine. I wonder if it's the same sculpt as the custom 3D printed one I bought off the net. It looks cool. Had to paint it but using it on a GR body still doesn't look right. I'm so sad that the EoV didn't fund but that was all on Hasbro. Yes the price was ridiculous but I think that whole Early Bird thing put a bad taste in everyone's mouth from go.
I don't think they wanted to advertise too much. I saw a Displaying Model Behavior review that said the first thousand would get it. I got it and it's awesome! I was hoping it'd fit Chamber, but it was specifically made to fit the last Ghost Rider. Looks great, although I still wish it glowed through the seat in synch with the car like the EoV woulda!
AndyL -
2024-10-10 @ 1:17 am
On 10/9/2024 at 5:19 PM, since83 said:That shoulder flame effect looks awesome!!!
I am seriously debating opening my Retro Ghost Rider. I need him so I can use one for Robbie with the head that came with the Ramen Racer, and another for Johnny on the bike. But the reason now is for that transforming head to use for Daimon! Itll look sick as the later look. My only worry, other than that figure goes for 60-70 bucks, is that the head won't fit the peg!
Wait. Did you say Ramen Racer came with a Robbie head sculpt? How come I've never noticed?
That shoulder flame effect looks awesome!!!
I am seriously debating opening my Retro Ghost Rider. I need him so I can use one for Robbie with the head that came with the Ramen Racer, and another for Johnny on the bike. But the reason now is for that transforming head to use for Daimon! Itll look sick as the later look. My only worry, other than that figure goes for 60-70 bucks, is that the head won't fit the peg!
My only extra want here would be some flame effects and an alt head for some different era looks. Thinking I'm gonna put that shoulder flame piece from the transforming Torch on him, and maybe the wrap around ones for his staff and/or forearms. Very excited for this figure, should be waiting for me when I get home today. This is my heater from the set. Now bring on Cloud, Devil-Slayer, and Gargoyle for my Defenders shelf!!!!!
AndyL -
2024-10-09 @ 1:29 pm
Really love how he included the promo pics with the actual product. Big difference. Not bothered so much by the eye deco as I am that ridiculous lip color. This is something that has to go away and the sooner the better. Who ever thought this was a good idea should be strung up and quartered. As far as the figure itself I'd say it's otherwise pretty accurate. Hellstrom has never had that particularly complicated design. No shirt, tight pants, thin but shredded, pentagram on chest. All the boxes are checked. At least they didn't put him on the suit model thankfully. Something I'd never thought I'd see them do but so glad to have him. Now we can put to bed all they silly reasoning on why we'll never see them do character A or character B. Besides showing too much skin for the lady figures which is just nothing more than a silly ridiculous modern day soccer mom crusade IMO I'd say the door is open to any character. As long as it doesn't see mass retail shelves. I hope this sold well enough to let Hasbro know we need more of these type waves. Now lets bring on a comic accurate or maybe a close enough to comic accurate Goblin Queen guys.
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