Reader Review By:
Robert Wilson from
Score: 4
Package Description:
It's more than the green gas that gives Harry Osborn his strength. He is driven by a rage beyond anything that ever infested his father, and focused in a way the Green Goblin - in his madness – never was. He has one goal and one wish – the death of Spider-Man and the destruction of all he loves. Screaming through the sky on a highly advanced sky-stick, his strength and speed are enhanced by enough weapons to equip a small army. Against an enemy this vicious who has such intimate knowledge of his secret identity and habits, Spider-Man has no hope of a quick victory, and only the faintest chance of survival.
The New Goblin is almost spot on here. He has his arm blades, a holster, some wrinkles, elbow pads, etc. Its all painted spot on also but I cant say the same for the glider. His glider looks exactly how it does in the movie also.
His stronger point is his head sculpt and sword holder. To me this sword holder gives him something extra and i would have never guessed it would have ben done. The head is very spot on but there is one problem on the mask. Its not as jagged making it look kiddy more then like a paintball mask.
Articulation and Posability:
He is a very articulated figure making him great to put in those poses from the movie. His ankles are not the best but thats really the only let down aside from his hand always in that sword holding pose. Overall its a greatly posable figure
Now this is important in all figures, having the paint accurate. He does have most of his suit painted appropriatly but the glider is terribly painted. Instead of being black its white or light grey. Im guessing Hasbro wanted to have some contrast instead of him all black with a black board but this is just terrible.
This may seem like a weird category but we all really dont like a figure if it doesnt fit in on display. The New Goblin is one who doesnt look so good. He is a great figure but his board isnt mean to be on the ground so him not in the air looks really bad on display. He looks silly somewhat. Hasbro would have gotten major points from me if they gave him a stand like the green goblin from spiderman 1.
Overall: 4/5
He is the best figure from the series in my opinion. Im not too sure how Toybiz could have done better. Maybe the ankles and glider but thats about it. Great figure and i reccomend it to anyone.
My scale
5-Greatest figure to be seen by my eyes
4-Great figure and one of my favorites
3-Good figure
2-Ok. Not good or bad
1-Just bad. Terribly bad
0-Thats right it can be bad enough not to get a score
*Note: reader reviews do not reflect the opinions or feelings of Marvelous News or ENI staff and are strictly the opinions and feelings of the reviewer alone.
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