Griffin" from
Oz Formers is dishing out some information regarding the Transformers: Crossovers line, home to the Star Wars and Marvel Transformers sub-lines, from this year's Australian Toy Fair. The new packaging for the Star Wars Transformers figures was on-hand for all to see, but the Marvel figures were the ones of interest.
Actual, on-display figures from the Marvel Transformers line that we have not seen before were Venom (with a muscle car alternate mode) and Spiderman (motorcycle).
Wolverine (offroad vehicle) made a semi-appearance, with only a package mock-up.
Other figures spotted, with "griffin"'s good eye, were on the back of Wolverine's mock-up package. These figures included Human Torch (jet), and black repaint of the aforementioned Spiderman, and a gray version of Hulk, which is a repaint of the green version that may be seen
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