Marvel debuts the new trailer for the upcoming Wolverine and The X-Men animated series that is coming to the Nicktoons Network, Nickelodeon's 24-hour animation channel in 2009.
The story begins as an explosive event shatters the lives of the X-Men and takes away their mentor, Professor X. The beaten heroes, including Beast, Storm, Cyclops and Nightcrawler, walk away from it all but then they are given a rare glimpse into the future, where they see a world in utter ruin ... ruled by giant destructive robots. They discover the world has spiraled out of control because the X-Men have given up. So now the most legendary of all X-Men, Wolverine, must take the lead on the ultimate mission -- to prevent the world's destruction -- while fending off enemies Magneto and The Brotherhood.
tarot -
2008-05-08 @ 10:42 am
I just hope Deadpool makes it into the show played by John Kassir (The guy who played him in X-Men Legends 2 and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance) as a hired assassin sent to kill Wolverine. Who knows, maybe he could score a spin-off series...
yeah keep dreaming. Deadpool will more then likely have a cameo appearance (maybe in the sec ond series) like he did in the 90's one. But you never know they might do a complete comedy show. :P
as for a spin off series, never going to happen.
I just hope Deadpool makes it into the show played by John Kassir (The guy who played him in X-Men Legends 2 and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance) as a hired assassin sent to kill Wolverine. Who knows, maybe he could score a spin-off series...
WERE THE HELL IS STORM?????i saw her for like 2 seconds at the beginning????
i like how emma frost is more known and this should be thestoy line for x men 4.
mojo lol
Ya know I didn't see much of Storm in that trailer, barely at all, it's kinda refreshing.
Don't worry Storm groupie, the likelihood of my fave character (Cable) showing up is slim to none too but I'll somehow manage to muddle through.
BTW, isn't the red horned guy a bit... Onslaughtish...
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet! Gotta love that Sentinel stomp where Emma turns diamond. Looks like they're gonna nail her attitude down too with the desperate comment. I'm so looking forward to this. I got into comics with the 90's series and loved the different path Evolution tread towards the last few series. This looks to ROCK!
tarot -
2008-05-07 @ 10:13 pm
yes at the NYCC. do you actually look at the front page or just dive into the forums?
they'r doing black panther series? was ther any aouncement on that?
Scott -
2008-05-07 @ 7:09 pm
i hope they show the black panther and storm together, i kinda like the idea to get them together.
There is a new Black Panther animated series coming to BET so if they don't show up together here maybe they will on there.
as much as i like wolverine, and is the main reason i'm reading comics, he is not the leader type of charecter, but still this show gonna rock, i hope they show the black panther and storm together, i kinda like the idea to get them together.
So I watched the trailer.. I don't mind Logan leading, to be honest he is a good choice for the character.. the marvel universe is kinda on a tail spin logan who has always been a loner and fighter as shown more character as of late in the comics.. he belives in Xavier, and he has himself said he does not like going into a feral rage.. it has been said many times thats logans only down fall that and his inability to accept he has reached his nirvana as a warrior, because no one wants more out of wolverine then himself.. remeber he did have a family and was a samuri in his past.
I like this wolverine it shows he is capable of being his old self somewhat along with a change.
Also to reach on that marvel tail spin, my favorite character cyclops who was the leader and go getter is now cold and more ruthless.. he has even shot another x-men with a hand gun after loosing his powers, also its been said after he merged with apocolypse he has become cold inside, its almost as if cyclopse and logan have switched roles, though granted its new i would like to see how it plays out.
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