I personally think kingpin would be awesome! only because it would be the perfect opportunity to bring in other foes. I would much rather see black cat than new goblin as the anti-hero.
i hated her in all three. i hope they didint cast her because they thoguht bring it on was a good movie. they honestly couldve picked someone hotter. also, they need to bring on electro already. morbius?
i think that lizard and kraven would do the perfect match in every way. wait. i think of something. they said he is a new york character? then it will be jameson. jameson represence new york more then anyone else, so scorpion could be it. lizard and scorpion maybe?
I ment Scorpion not Lizard, sorry.
Im glad that shes back. I mean really what else does she have going on. These movies are accepted as mainstream blockbuster movies now so theres no reason she shouldnt do it.
If it is the Kingpin it could be kind of cool because Rhino, Lizard, or Vulture could be brought in so easily.
villains for the next spidey flick
the Lizard
the Vulture
I really want to see carnage on the next film cuz his the strongest spidey villain :D
I sure hope its not Kingpin. Special effects have improved for every movie. You would think they would at least pick someone with cool powers they can showcase new effects on.
"A big part of New York"? I would think all of Spidey's enemies are a big part of NY as that's mostly where the comics take place. Three that come to mind when I think NY is Hydro Man, Vermin and Tombstone.
As far a Kirsten Dunst, she seems to be aging a lot less gracefully than the babyface Toby McGuire. She just looked tired, used up and old in the last flick. Plus she makes tons of cash as an actor, isn't it time she got her teeth fixed. At least she still has that whole hourglass figure and huge rack thing going for her. Long live her raisin smuggling rain scene from the first movie!!
But Morbius was considered?! Of all spidey villians he was never on my mind to be in the Movie. If anything, I think they should bring him into the Blade Movie franchise. As for who should be the 4rt movie villian, I think Kraven is the best choice for it with The Lizard as a second tragic villian.
The quote says that the villain is a "big part of New York." What does that mean? The only villain I can think of who fits that description is Kingpin. Maybe he just means it's a classic character or something. Whatever the case may be, I hope it's not Lizard. Lizard can be a secondary villain, but he can't carry a film. It's kind of tough to do that when your only dialogue is "Hisss!" and "Ssssspider-Man!"
I'm still hoping Mysterio shows up, even if it's only for 5 minutes at the beginning.
tarot -
2009-06-11 @ 3:38 pm
ugh, I couldn't stand her in ANY of the 3 movies
I liked her in the first two, but she turned into a raging B in the third. It was like SHE was wearing a symbiote or something.
I know. in the first two movies she was alright. But in the third movie she was acting like a child. "Spidey getting all the attention and Im not." That how I felt she was acting in the third movie. but it is nice that she's in the 4rt movie.
But Morbius was considered?! Of all spidey villians he was never on my mind to be in the Movie. If anything, I think they should bring him into the Blade Movie franchise.
As for who should be the 4rt movie villian, I think Kraven is the best choice for it with The Lizard as a second tragic villian.
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