First Image Of Scarlett Johansson As Black Widow In Iron Man 2

First Image Of Scarlett Johansson As Black Widow In Iron Man 2

Outsiders - July 16, 2009
This weeks issue of Entertainment Weekly is a Comic Con preview and features the first look at Scarlett Johansson as Russian superspy Natasha Romanoff (aka the Black Widow) from Iron Man 2.

Below is the cover featuring Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow and Mickey Rourke as Vanko.

Check out the link for more information but here are some of the highlights from the article.

* Sam Rockwell plays a fast-talking weapons manufacturer named Justin Hammer, 'who fancies himself the next Tony Stark'

* Mickey Rourke plays Russian criminal Vanko, who creates his own battle-suit while incarcerated in a Soviet prison.

* Whiplash’s suit 'shoots devastating, whip-like beams.'

* Hammer and Whiplash join forces to take on Stark/Iron Man

* Rourke insisted that his character have a cockatoo, which he talks to and gets drunk with while he’s making the suit.

* Scarlett Johansson plays Russian superspy Natasha Romanoff (aka the Black Widow), who is hired as Stark’s assistant which sparks romantic tension between Stark and former assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), who’s been promoted to CEO of Stark Industries.

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