Marvel Select Abomination Figure

Marvel Select Abomination Figure

Jay Cochran - July 16, 2009
Here is a look at Diamond Select Toys upcoming Marvel Select Abomination figure.
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SheriffofCoffeeTown - 2009-08-28 @ 12:42 am

While this is a great looking figure, I have to question the sheer randomness of this and several other characters MS is doing lately. Wouldn't this have been better served by being on the shelf last year, while the Hulk movie was in theaters? Whatever happened to the MS philosophy of offering timely characters, or characters that wouldn't be feasible for the retail line?

chantastic - 2009-08-27 @ 5:02 pm

I would probably get it if I was still collecting Marvel Select, except Diamond Select Toys screwed me over on replacing my defective Ultimate Iron Man figure.

EldestSon - 2009-07-23 @ 11:11 pm


dragonman - 2009-07-22 @ 5:54 pm

i'd like to see a

dragon man, atlas, guido,or juggernaut

BigBearJahlon - 2009-07-20 @ 9:01 am

fantastic looking figure.

Not sure if he s worth getting since the Ml-1 (Onslaught)version still makes me happy

What I want to see is MS work on figure that are not available as ML's such as the Wrecker, Terrax, Atlas, Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo, Animus, Leviathan, the Mimic, the Griffin, and such as that.

Cdeuce - 2009-07-20 @ 1:16 am

Cool figure, just need a Juggernaut marvel select.

KingKnuckleDragger - 2009-07-20 @ 12:29 am

I saw this up for preorder at BBTS, and about flipped out! I have been wishing MS would do this guy for years now! Even without his 2 toed feet, I love it! More monster sculpts would rock! Man-Thing, Ulik, Bi-Beast, Wendego, I want 'em all!

Robogeek28 - 2009-07-19 @ 10:46 pm

Definately liking this guy, I just may hafta pick him up!

shokker - 2009-07-19 @ 10:04 pm

wow wow wow i havent seen a figure like this in years. i thought that the toybiz version was great as perfect but this is something beyond that. damn, marvel should wake up and give marvel select the right to do 6 insh figures. i hope that select is considering a stegron and an absorbingman figure. that would be so amazing. way to do marvel select.

erikyurk - 2009-07-19 @ 9:22 pm

I love it! I want it! Thank god for big Marvel figures!!

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