The show that has everyone from People to MTV raving is back with an all-new episode as the X-Men join The Super Hero Squad Show! This Saturday at 7:30pm Eastern on Cartoon Network, Wolverine takes the Squaddies back to Xavier’s School to earn his remaining credits and graduate—but nothing’s ever simple for ol’ Canucklehead! The Ringmaster hypnotizes the X-Men and it’s up to the duo of Wolverine & Reptil to save the day! Film star Shawn Ashmore voices the incomparable Iceman, who joins a bevy of guest-stars including Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, Colossus and more!
Fans and critics can’t stop raving about the most action-packed, family-friendly show in the universe! People Magazine named The Super Hero Squad Show one of the year’s best new shows for kids, raving it’s “The best of the bunch”. Meanwhile, MTV.Com gave the show two thumbs up, calling it “great fun” and “equally enjoyable by kids and adult comics fans alike”!
Plus, don’t miss the new Marvel Super Hero Squad series, jam-packed with your favorite Marvel heroes and all-ages action, in comic shops now!
Tune into the Cartoon Network at 7:30 PM on Saturday to “Hero Up!” with your favorite characters in the Marvel Universe—or any other—in an all-new episode of The Super Hero Squad Show!
To learn more about The Super Hero Squad Show, please visit