"Siege," Marvel Comics' next big event series, kicks off today with an explosive first issue and according to "Siege" writer Brian Bendis, the event should be of interest to more than just the regular Marvel faithful — anyone looking forward to the 2012 "Avengers" movie might want to pick it up, too.
"For those hungry for the 'Avengers' movie — see what I'm doing here — this 'Siege' event will really whet your appetite," laughed Bendis.
"After all we've done to these heroes and all they've done to each other, what threat can be so big that it could possibly bring Captain America, Iron Man and Thor — the original Avengers — to fight alongside each other after everything's that happened?" he asked. "'Siege' is it."
"What's exciting is that these characters have not been playing together since well before I took over the Avengers," said Bendis. "This is something you really haven't seen in a long, long time — and for some readers, they've never seen it. Some of the younger readers are still waiting to see what that feels like."
"And I promise the Avengers and the Marvel universe will change dramatically... and never be the same again," he laughed. "Sorry, I had to say it. I'm contractually obligated to say that."
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