Here are official images of the new Marvel Legends reveals made today during the MCM London Comic Con. For the Avengers we got looks at a new Union Jack figure as well as Thunderbolts leader
Citizen V which is actually
Baron Zemo in disguise.
Both of these figures will be part of an Avengers Assortment in 2019. Other comic book based Avengers figures we know coming in 2019 include
Hercules, Living Laser, Beta Ray Bill, Classic Loki and
These are likely the comic book based figures for the next two assortments of Avengers based Marvel Legends with Avengers 4 movie figures mixed in. It's also possible the Black Order
Ebony Maw &
Corvus Glaive figures revealed at NYCC could be thrown in the mix as well.
X-Men It was revealed that Hasbro will finally be giving us a
Jim Lee style X-Men Beast figure.
This will be part of the next
X-Men wave which will include
Forge, Blink, Gambit ,Reavers Skullbuster, Weapon X, Jim Lee Style Jubilee and the
Caliban Build-A-Figure.
I think every figure should come with 3 sets of hands minimum. Fist hands/grasping hands/relaxed open hands & for those that fly, flight hands as well. If they are martial artists types, they should get the Iron fist treatment & come with like 4-5 sets of hands in different martial arts poses. And 2 sets of heads, a stoic look & a fighting mad look. Maybe for those of you that just pose em on the shelf after you buy em or keep em MOC, you're alright with a basic vanilla figure with 1 set a hands, but for those of us that like to do figure photography & pose em in cool battle dioramas, like these for example.

Yeah true. If its a choice between the two. But we pretty much get that already some of the time with no raise in price. Im talking something new, especially related to coats, capes and whatnot.
I'd rather get extra sets of hands & 2-3 alternate heads with every figure to justify a raise in price.
I would be super jazzed if Hasbro starts adding wired things in their products. Wired tentacles,wired jackets, wired capes, wired web effects etc. I dont know if its super expensive to produce those or what but it wouldve made so many things better including Doc Ock and Omega Red.
3 hours ago, ejvs_theuniverse said:I'm not all-in with ToyBiz, but sticking with the matter the pliability of the plastic on the new one, it just not as versatile as if it were an actual fabric. If you can finagle some wiring through the TB Gambit, dramatic poses a plenty. His stature wasn't ideal, but with many figures, unless they are vanilla posed like a police lineup, they work just fine.I mean I'll end up getting the Hasbro just to maintain uniformity, but...maybe it has some sentimental value being my second ML..I think. haha
My Pleather one started cracking. I think I'd want to customize it toget an actual fabric onthe new one though.
Those toy biz ones were just falling apart all over. Never thought they looked good. But I bet those action figure tailors you can find on eBay will come up with something awesome
On 10/31/2018 at 1:21 PM, mako said:Actually, the cloth coat was the only thing I think ole' Remmy had going for him. Though I preferred the pleather version from the X-Legends boxed set.
I'm not all-in with ToyBiz, but sticking with the matter the pliability of the plastic on the new one, it just not as versatile as if it were an actual fabric. If you can finagle some wiring through the TB Gambit, dramatic poses a plenty. His stature wasn't ideal, but with many figures, unless they are vanilla posed like a police lineup, they work just fine.I mean I'll end up getting the Hasbro just to maintain uniformity, but...maybe it has some sentimental value being my second ML..I think. haha
My Pleather one started cracking. I think I'd want to customize it toget an actual fabric onthe new one though.
That beast looks really nice, Im willing to bet next year we'll get the remainingmembers of X-MenGold Team, we might even get a couple by the end of the year in the rumored X-Men Vintage Wave(Im thinkinga Classic Iceman and,a remake of the Jim Lee Jean) and next year a White or Silver Storm and a Classic Colossus, hopefully we also get a Classic Nightcrawler soon as well.
tarot -
2018-10-31 @ 5:10 pm
9 minutes ago, mako said:I'd give you Beast, but TB Gambit was to skinny, to short, and featured that trade-mark wonky ToyBiz articulation.
Hasbro for the win.
no only that but it has that aweful cloth coat.
Not dissing anyone, but Hasbro are trully crushing TB. Only true diehards keep saying the TB was better.
Rounding out the Jim Lee/90s cartoon on the X-Men for me...but there's just something ToyBiz did with Gambit and Beast that I don't know if there's a clear winner between then and Hasbro now. Where that Ororo Munroe tho?! And Nightcrawler...
On 10/28/2018 at 2:36 PM, EvilHayato said:Theres other pictures where he has a flat hand and an open hand so he will have multiple hands for sure and the flat hand is obviously to do the hand stand pose. ;)
That sounds awesome. Most Beast figures look a little too naked for me. I'm sticking with the Tech Gear Beast from the X-Men Classics line from Toy Biz.
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