On 7/17/2019 at 10:57 AM, leokearon said:Still don't see the point of the two heads. A Steve Roger head would have been better
I would have preferred a yelling/gritted teeth" Cap head instead of another head sculpt that looks almost exactly like the other head sculpt. Finally, Hasbro got the hgt scale right between Thor & the rest of his fellow Avengers. Perfect!

Yeah, at $24.99 I would expect more than just an extra "alternate" head (literally the same looking head). I would have preferred a Steve Rogers head.
Might just pick up Thor.
Cap got 2 head sculpts& Ironman got3 head sculpts, Thor also should have gotten a "yelling/gritted teeth " combat mode head sculpt as well. For $25, 2 alternate heads & alternate hands should be the standard.
So i guess this went up on walmart's website earlier today. its sold out now at the moment, oh well. Mostly i've had luck getting exclusives in stores so hopefully won't be a problem.. and tbh he is probably the lowest priority of the big three for me.. definitely need a comic Iron Man and Thor more.
This is imo the best ML comic Captain America Hasbro's ever made hands down! I love the dark bluecompared to the previous Caps and the shield throwing effect is cool but I wish it was clear instead on colored. I get it's supposed to look like those old comics but I just don't like the look of it.
Hasbro has nailed the big 3 with what imo are the definitive classic versions of these 3 iconic characters. They scale perfectly as Thor is 6'6 & Cap/ironman are both 6'2. I would love to see a reviewer put Gladiator, Hyperion & the recently released BRB/Hercules figures next to Thorto see if how well they scale being as they are all in the 6'4'6'5, 6'6 range. One thing's for sure, the Wrecking crew needs a serious re-do as they are way outta scale & too large to fit in the ML line.
It is a bit headscratching that they would limit Cap to being an exclusive. Any how, I love this figure! I love that they finally gave him his classic scale mail, and with Metallic paint too. I especially love that they gave him fists! Walmart in Canada got plenty of the exclusive Thanos figures, thanks I believe to the Avengers films. Really hoping they do the same with Cap!
im thinking ill replace my ultimate cap with this, its always been my favorite but this one is more classic
1 hour ago, Emnems80 said:If I even find it at my Walmart, would it be worth it to buy it and replace my WolfCap in my comic Avengers display?
As a collector currently using wolfcap asmy default comic cap, I definitely plan to replace that with this version.
If I even find it at my Walmart, would it be worth it to buy it and replace my WolfCap in my comic Avengers display?
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