Marvel Legends - What We Know After #SDCC2019

by Jay Cochran
July 23, 2019
With another San Diego Comic Con having come and gone we thought we would recap everything we know coming from Hasbro for Marvel Legends. Here we will only be addressing product that has yet to be released so we won't be mentioning the recent Vintage X-Men and X-Force waves or the MCU and Marvel Comics 80th Anniversary sets which have started seeing limited releases these past few weeks. We won't even mention the Walgreens exclusive Black Costume Emma Frost which has already started hitting overseas.

One MCU set we will mention here is the Avengers: Infinity War set with Iron Man Mark 50 and Iron Spider-Man which is being released as a Target store exclusive. The set is currently listed on the Target store website with a 7/28 shipping date. Those who attended Comic-Con were able to go on and buy the set at the Entertainment Earth booth. I should note those who bought it at Comic-Con had to pay $10 more than those who buy it from Target.

So what was announced at Comic-Con. Well for starters, a new wave of Avengers 6" Marvel Legends all of which feature figures from Avengers Infinity War and Endgame.

The wave includes a redeco of the first Avengers movie Captain America which was posed to show off America's ass. The wave also includes Heimdall, Valkyrie, Phasing Vision with translucent plastic, Iron Man Mark 85 with a gauntlet that will fit your Professor Hulk Build-A-Figure from the previous wave, and Iron Patriot Mrk 2. The Build-A-Figure for this wave is Bro-Thor, and yes that is the official name. Bro-Thor will come with a more movie accurate Stormbreaker and two heads, one with glasses and one without.

Other things that were on display which we had already seen include the Fan Channel exclusive figures of Big Time Spider-Man, Cowboy Logan, Agent Anti-Venom, Punisher War Machine Helmet replica and Captain America Comic Version Shield replica.

During a special Hasbro Pulse Party the new Deadpool Suits 2-pack featuring Deadpool and Hit-Monkey wearing white suits and coming with various accessories. This set is a complete re-use of existing parts but is kinda a fun set for Deadpool fans.

The next day Hasbro held their Marvel panel were the announced a number of new products including several more Fan Channel exclusives which includes Punisher in his camo gear and alternate headsculpt with a skull painted on it, X-Force Deathlok, an updated Captain America: Civil War Giant-Man which looks more movie accurate with updated paint apps and the removal of the flaps on the shoes. This figure is an Amazon exclusive.

Hasbro then announced the next Walgreens exclusive to be released after Emma Frost. It will be a New Mutants 3 figures in one deal. It will feature Dani Moonstar and include alternate heads and hands to make the characters Karma and Wolfsbane. If you want all three characters at once you will need to buy the figure three times.

Continuing the mutant theme they then announced an X-Factor 2-pack featuring new versions of Havoc and Polaris wearing their Peter David themed X-Factor costumes. This one is another Fan Channel exclusive.

The final thing they announced for 2019 was an X-Men 3-Pack titled Lover's Triangle featuring a 90's Jean Grey, Cyclops and Wolverine. The Jean Grey is a mostly new sculpt with 2 new headsculpts, one with the hair in a pony tail and the other with the hair down. Cyclops gets his much needed leather jacket and 3 new headsculpts. Wolverine is in his Tiger-Stripe outfit and features regular claws and bone claws. You also get 3 headsculpts for Logan including an unmasked one. This set is also a Fan Channel exclusive.

Moving to 2020 they teased a few more items. For the Deluxe Rider Series they announced a Cosmic Ghost Rider and bike as well as Squirrel Girl and scooter. Cosmic Ghost Rider had a cool translucent head and holsters on his bike to hold his two blasters. Squirrel Girl comes with 3 squirrels that can fit in the Scooter's basket located on the front.

For Spider-Man Legends we can expect a classic Vulture to round out the Sinister Six as well as Velocity Suit Spider-Man and Spider-Armor Mark III which are both based on the PS4 Spider-Man game. Shang-Chi who is getting his own MCU movie will be getting a comic based figure which will also be included in the Spider-Man assortment.

For X-Men Legends look for Age Of Apocalypse themed X-Man (Nathan Summers), Weapon X and Morph figures as well as an X-Factor Strong Guy Build-A-Figure that is listed for a future Deadpool wave.

Also shown was a modern She-Hulk and classic Doctor Doom which will include two different headsculpts, One that is more classic and one more modern looking. It's unknown how these two figures will be released. I would think She-Hulk would be part of a future Avengers wave and Doom could as well or he could be some kind of exclusive. Or who knows maybe they will be part of some new Fantastic Four assortment, we will just have to wait and see.

Speaking of things we still don't know. Hasbro has yet to reveal these Fan Channel exclusive items that popped up on a list several months ago. Everything else on the list turned out to be true so while not officially confirmed, its seems likely they two will be announced sooner or later. The War Machine has been said to be a Punisher War Machine action figure, no idea what the Iron Man figure will be.

E8846 Marvel - Legends Variant War Machine (NEW)
Marvel - Legends Variant War Machine

E8851 Marvel - Legends Variant Iron Man (NEW)
Marvel - Legends Variant Iron Man

Hasbro has plenty more opportunities to reveal new product in the coming weeks and months as they will be visiting a number of different conventions in the US and around the world. The next opportunity will be in just a few weeks during the Mexico Toy Unboxing Convention where the Hasbro Marvel team will be in attendance at. We might also get some kind of reveal at the D23 convention at the end of August, though I am told the Hasbro Marvel team won't have a major presence at that one. Other conventions were we can expect reveals at include the Fan Expo Canada, MCM London Comic Con, Paris Comic Con and Lucca Comic & Game convention. Then of course there is the New York Comic Con where they won't have an actual presence at but should hold their annual media event for the press to debut more stuff.

Check out our extensive *GALLERY of images for everything shown during SDCC below and let us know what your most excited for or even what disappointed you in the COMMENTS SECTION.

*Note the Outrider and Macho Man Deadpool figures featured in Hasbro's SDCC Diorama display are custom figures not meant for production.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JayC - 2019-07-25 @ 1:29 pm
On 7/23/2019 at 4:18 PM, Jmacq1 said:

Yes It's modern-ish (been around for a while but within the last decade).

I think it was around 2009 they started wearing these outfits but def not theoutfits they wore in the original New Mutants title.

DylanRaven055 - 2019-07-25 @ 2:03 am

Those are a lot of reveals! Already pre-ordered the Endgame wave, only ones I don't care too much about are Vision and Cap. I was trying to keep my ML collection limited to the MCU, but there are a lot of great looking comic based figures! Really looking forward to that love triangle pack. Hasbro gonna make me go broke...

silverback - 2019-07-24 @ 7:15 pm

Waiting for the figure review on the new Doom, but my guess is that this one will be the best yet. They got the colors right as far as the green.

chax - 2019-07-24 @ 2:52 am

That Doom reminds me of the old Ultimate Alliance game with all that detailing. At some point, this might come in variants like white version, maybe with infinity gauntlet or unmasked / damaged masked or even a slightly different tooling for a doombot or whatever it is that can be utilized for this mold.

Starlord67 - 2019-07-24 @ 1:59 am
1 hour ago, michiganjfrog said:

so do you guys think this will be the best doom figure? my current one is the one Hasbro made ( return of marvel legends) I don't really have any complaints about it and im curious to see how they will compare

Definitely think the new one is far more detailed but I have the old one as well and find little fault with it. I'm sure I'll pick up new doom though....just cuz I'm a sucker for details.

What a GREAT SDCC!! So many great reveals ...I can't wait!!

michiganjfrog - 2019-07-24 @ 12:55 am

so do you guys think this will be the best doom figure? my current one is the one Hasbro made ( return of marvel legends) I don't really have any complaints about it and im curious to see how they will compare

watanabefan - 2019-07-24 @ 12:44 am

I know I'm

4 hours ago, Atlantis said:

Finally a classic Vulture....but right now, I'm thinking the original Toybiz was better detailed. Something seems off on the wings, to me for this version....and also note that the vertical lines on his suit are now almost gone. Still, it looks more in line with the comic definitely want this one. Wonder if those wings will get a re-use when/if they do the classic Falcon?





That is almost certainly why the wings were done the way they were. We know Hasbro does things with an eye towards reuse, and I guarantee at some point in the conversation someone said "Hey, if we make Vulture we can make a new comic Falcon too."

silverback - 2019-07-23 @ 11:38 pm

All these look great, but we must all give homage to the Magnificent Personage of the master, DOOM.

Atlantis - 2019-07-23 @ 8:38 pm

Finally a classic Vulture....but right now, I'm thinking the original Toybiz was better detailed. Something seems off on the wings, to me, for this version....and also note that the vertical lines on his suit are now almost gone. Still, it looks more in line with the comic definitely want this one. Wonder if those wings will get a re-use when/if they do the classic Falcon?

newcollector24680 - 2019-07-23 @ 8:32 pm

I loved all the releasesatSDCC. The full MCU Endgame wave was amazing. All of them are a must have except for Vision, I was lucky enough to get the 2pk with Scarlet Witch. Love the 2 PS4 Spider-Man figures they're doing. Hopefully more are in the works. Vulture looks amazing. I saw Doctor Doom coming a mile away ever since the Invisible Women started popping up at Walgreens and I'm really happy with how he turned out. The X-force Deathlock was a surprise to me but can't wait for him. I really like that version of the X-Force with Wolverine so I'm glad that Hasbro wants to round out that team. Never heard of Shang Chi but I know there's a movie for him coming next year so I'll see if I'm interested in him. And of course the Love Triangle 3pk is AMAZING! I missed out on the 2017 Jim Lee Cyclops so I'm excited to finally have him and like everyone other X-men fan here, I'm so happy to get the last character we needed for the Jim Lee X-men display, Jean Grey. I already have the 2018 tiger Striped Wolverine but this one has so much added accessories and I'm a sucker for unmasked heads so I don't mind paying for him at all.

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