Disney Stores Expanding Into Target

Disney Stores Expanding Into Target

Jay Cochran - August 26, 2019
Looks like Disney is going to be expanding their stores into select Targets around the country starting in October. The main reason I am posting about this here is because Disney Stores often get a number of Marvel based exclusives, especially for the Diamond Select Toys 7" Marvel Select line each year. Also there is the Disney Toybox action figure line that is sold exclusively at Disney stores. At this point I have know idea how well stocked these mini-stores in the Targets will be, or if they will carry things like exclusive Marvel Select figures, but it may be worth checking out when they launch. You can go to the Target website and look up which stores in your area will be featuring these mini-Disney sections now.
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komododragin - 2019-08-26 @ 5:57 pm
54 minutes ago, DarthOdette said:

Traumatized even, as they left all of the statues and characters up after closing the store so you could just see a Goofy in the darkness collecting dust and looking like something out of a Nightmare

It's his true form

DarthOdette - 2019-08-26 @ 5:01 pm

Thats pretty exciting. As a kid, the Disney store in my local mall was one of my favorite destinations. Was really sad when it closed down. Traumatized even, as they left all of the statues and characters up after closing the store so you could just see a Goofy in the darkness collecting dust and looking like something out of a Nightmare

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