Hasbro today is holding a new live-stream with the
Hasbro Marvel Legends brand team (
Ryan, Dan, & Dwight) which you can check out below. We expect the main focus will be the second
Disney+ wave which will feature 1 Loki based figure and 6 What If based figures plus a Build-A-Figure. There should also be a
Deluxe Hydra Stomper figure from What If revealed. We've also heard Hasbro will be bringing some folks on today for a Q&A segment and we hope to hear an update on what is going on with the shipping of the
Haslab Sentinel figure. All that and who knows what else.
We will be updating here with any new product reveal images and or information as it happens, so be sure to update your browser often.
Look for most of today's if not all of today's product reveals to go up for pre-order tomorrow (7/29) at 1pm ET at places like our sponsor
The next Disney+ wave includes
-Loki Sylvie
-What If T'Challa Starlord
-What If Heist Nebula
-What If Captain Carter
-Zombie Hunter Spider-Man
-Doctor Strange
-Zombie Captain America
The Build-A-Figure is The Watcher.
Also the
Deluxe What If Hydra Stomper which stands 9/12" tall and has a place for Captain Carter to ride on the back like seen in the trailer.
Now going over the
Haslab Galactus project which you can check out more or back as
HasbroPulse. Dwight says there will be extra bells and whistles that will go with the Silver Surfer and Nova figures they have teased.
Walgreen Cosmic theme figures
Binary revealed. In
Canada will be at
EBGames. This is the final figure for the cosmic theme. They say
Nova will be at
Walgreens sometime this summer and
Quasar and
Binary will be released in the US sometime this fall.
Spider-Man Homecoming Deluxe Vulture. Has new headsculpt and retooled legs as well as some other minor modifications to be more screen accurate. This is based on Homecoming and not meant to be a clue for the new movie. Will be available at a later date but not going up this week. Will be a Target exclusive.
Tigra is a Fan-Channel exclusive. Will go up tomorrow at 1pm ET
They did a Q&A with some Youtubers.
They revealed a
Black Hand Ninja for the next trooper Builder HasbroPulse exclusive. Probably will be made available around Pulse-Con this fall.
Galactus will have two electronic packages on the figure, one in the head and one in the chest. So the neck joint articulation isnt drastically effected really by the electronics. The head rotates on a ball but there is not a neck hinge joint.
Dwight teased some grey square accessory piece which was barely on camera while telling people to keep things civil on social media and think about valor faith and respect instead of hate. Looks like a tease for the
Psycho-Man figure which will be part of the
FF Retro wave we should be seeing next month.
Panel ends.