Marvel Legends The Infinity Watch Custom Figures By Midnitestarz.Custom

by Jay Cochran
June 26, 2022
This weeks Marvelous Custom was done by Midnitestarz.Custom who has made a custom Marvel Legends Infinity Watch team of figures which includes Pip the Troll, Classic Drax and Moondragon.

Check out the image(s) of their custom below and be sure to let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

If you would like to submit a custom of your own creation to be featured in an upcoming MARVELOUS CUSTOM segment you can post your work on our FORUMS.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Jormungand - 2022-07-01 @ 7:20 pm
On 6/26/2022 at 3:45 PM, Psychosomatic said:

I absolutely think we will at least get a Drax in this costume I think he is one of about 20 characters that would be illogical for them not to do (ex. Adam Warlock, Yondu, Ronan, Powerman, Iron Fist). I hope I am right.

Most probably don't realize, but Drax was originally a normal human-sized character when he appeared in the 70's. Iron Man #55 if anyone wants to check it out. Starlin introduced a ton of characters in that issue. But come the 90's, when Kronos resurrected him, he made him far larger and more powerful in order to defeat the resurrected Thanos this time. Problem being, Kronos didn't fix his brain, as his daughter Moondragon originally killed Drax by brain death back in a 200's issue of the Avengers. So in the 90's Drax was not only as big as the Hulk, but just as mentally challenged as Hulk had once been. I personally want them to release him in his classic purple costume but in 90's form. The Hulk body could easily be repurposed. It would look awesome. And now that Pip and Starfox/Eros have been introduced in the MCU, hopefully we will get comic versions of them as more people go back and discover all those great cosmic Starlin stories. I feel we will definitely get a comic, as well as MCU, Adam Warlock at some point, but in what (comic) costume is unsure. His original Shazam-ish costume with red cape would be my choice. Gamora still has a role to play in one or both upcoming GOTG movie/specials coming out, so it would be nice to not only get a comic accurate version, but her original costume. Which she wore in both the 70's and 90's.

McHogan - 2022-06-30 @ 10:24 pm
On 6/28/2022 at 5:43 PM, monron999 said:

No argument about how much comic product we got last year. My wallet was screaming for mercy at the end of the year and a bit that carried over to this year, but I feel like that was an anomaly created by the plague which put so many movies and Disney+ projects on the shelf and set back the "plan" for about 2 years. They pretty much had to move so much comic product up that we were almost inundated, but even then a lot of that product came from multi-packs and deluxe and anniversary type product rather than waves in the main line. I predicted this year and possibly next year would be Movie/TV heavy and though we are still getting a bit of comic goodness, there has been more Movie/TV product and complete waves than I've seen in the history of ML. As a comic only collector I think you can agree with that. I assume as a comic only collector you must be disappointed on how few comic characters seem to be in each wave and how many of the BAF's have become Movie/TV related. While I do lean heavily towards the comic based product I'm not anti-MCU/D+ by any means. I appreciate new characters and new figures and pick up my fair share, but what I don't like are the constant repetition of the Headliner characters and waves like Shang-Chi, Eternals Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home, just full of characters nobody wants, just because Hasbro has to follow it's obligations to Marvel/Disney and their perceived formula of what they think sells, even against, I believe, Hasbro's own better judgement most of the time. As a comic only collector how many times do you think characters like Longshot have been passed over and pushed back, with numerous other characters, to make room for some lame character from a movie? Seriously, I think the product would move a lot better if they kinda moved back to the model of the early Toybiz days when they only included a main character from the movie in a standard ML wave (Daredevil, Blade, Punisher, Etc.), and then if the movie's popularity or demand warranted further product, such as Spider-Man and X-Men movies did, then produce that product as a sub-line with multi-packs and deluxe sets and exclusives, completely opposite of the way it's done now. I don't know what's the obsession with them getting the product done in such a narrow time frame to try and get it out right before a movie releases. All it does is cause problems when movies are rescheduled or pushed back and then the inaccuracies in product because they're being done off concept art. I guess it's maybe due to the assumption that if a movie is bad the product will not set, but sometimes I think that's counterproductive. I can say with fair certainty that seeing the design of the characters in the Eternals wave actually made me less excited for the movie and I ended up just waiting till it hit Disney+ for free.

I collect both MCU and comic figures so Im happy to get both and dont have to pick a side as it were.

A few things Ive noticed is that Hasbro has been releasing more all MCU waves recently when in the past it was normally it was ALWAYS a split wave. There was a time when an all MCU wave was unheard of or thought to be impractical. outside Of special circumstances like the 3rd Avengers Endgame or the 2nd BP waves that is. No idea if this will continue as the Shang Chi wave could not have supported an all MCU wave and the Eternals could have been split for fans who hated the MCU look but could have gotten one or two comic versions to appease both.

From my personal experience, there is no clear cut line that pegs warms more than the other. Shang Chi, Eternals warmed hard but so did both Age od Apocalypse waves. Dr Strange mom wave moved both initially but now I still see comic and movie figs on shelves.

Anymore, since Hasbro wont be getting my extra cash like they did before the price hike its less of a comic v MCU choice and is now an MCU & Avengers and nothing else decision.

McHogan - 2022-06-30 @ 10:04 pm

Great job here. When the Infinity Watch comic came out I had only recently gotten back Strong into comics via the Infinity Gauntlet comic series. This was a great era for me as I was discovering many 90s era characters or rediscovering old favorites ( there is a new Thor?!? )

i had no idea who Gamora or Pip were and had only the basic knowledge of who Warlock and Drax were at the time. Drax in particular confused me.. wasnt sure why he was portrayed as a buffoon.. and this is kinda what I miss about collecting comics. Getting to experience unknown characters who fit into major events .. fun stuff

monron999 - 2022-06-28 @ 9:43 pm
On 6/27/2022 at 12:25 PM, Psychosomatic said:

I think you and I want the exact same things as collectors - tons of comic figures (the only thing I collect), and limited MCU figures (don't collect), but I don't see what you are saying to be accurate. If you go back to 2020 through today, you will find that way more than 50% of the figures have been comic related. Look at the boxed sets - almost all of them are comic based. Look at the deluxe figures - almost all of them are comic based. Look at the last two Haslabs - comic based, with comic based add-in figures. Look at the army builders - comic based. Heck, even some of the MCU waves have had a comic based BAF. I don't think it is clear at all that they are focusing more on MCU, just maybe at this exact time in the year, but definitely not as a line, or even for the year. I do agree with you about release after release of Cap, Ironman, Wolverine, etc. when there are still so many other characters to produce, but I also understand from a marketing angle why they would do that, and sometimes it leads to us getting the best version of a character (20th Anniversary Cap). Keep in mind this year we are getting Bonebreaker...Maggot...we got X-Calibre... we are getting an amazing Mojo... Galactus and Heralds. I would love more comic stuff too, but c'mon, we gotta give the guys credit for what they are giving us.

No argument about how much comic product we got last year. My wallet was screaming for mercy at the end of the year and a bit that carried over to this year, but I feel like that was an anomaly created by the plague which put so many movies and Disney+ projects on the shelf and set back the "plan" for about 2 years. They pretty much had to move so much comic product up that we were almost inundated, but even then a lot of that product came from multi-packs and deluxe and anniversary type product rather than waves in the main line. I predicted this year and possibly next year would be Movie/TV heavy and though we are still getting a bit of comic goodness, there has been more Movie/TV product and complete waves than I've seen in the history of ML. As a comic only collector I think you can agree with that. I assume as a comic only collector you must be disappointed on how few comic characters seem to be in each wave and how many of the BAF's have become Movie/TV related. While I do lean heavily towards the comic based product I'm not anti-MCU/D+ by any means. I appreciate new characters and new figures and pick up my fair share, but what I don't like are the constant repetition of the Headliner characters and waves like Shang-Chi, Eternals Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home, just full of characters nobody wants, just because Hasbro has to follow it's obligations to Marvel/Disney and their perceived formula of what they think sells, even against, I believe, Hasbro's own better judgement most of the time. As a comic only collector how many times do you think characters like Longshot have been passed over and pushed back, with numerous other characters, to make room for some lame character from a movie? Seriously, I think the product would move a lot better if they kinda moved back to the model of the early Toybiz days when they only included a main character from the movie in a standard ML wave (Daredevil, Blade, Punisher, Etc.), and then if the movie's popularity or demand warranted further product, such as Spider-Man and X-Men movies did, then produce that product as a sub-line with multi-packs and deluxe sets and exclusives, completely opposite of the way it's done now. I don't know what's the obsession with them getting the product done in such a narrow time frame to try and get it out right before a movie releases. All it does is cause problems when movies are rescheduled or pushed back and then the inaccuracies in product because they're being done off concept art. I guess it's maybe due to the assumption that if a movie is bad the product will not set, but sometimes I think that's counterproductive. I can say with fair certainty that seeing the design of the characters in the Eternals wave actually made me less excited for the movie and I ended up just waiting till it hit Disney+ for free.

Psychosomatic - 2022-06-27 @ 5:25 pm
On 6/27/2022 at 6:41 AM, monron999 said:

Not that they aren't doing comic based figs at all anymore, but it is quite clear the MCU and Disney+ is the focus of the line now. One can argue on whether that is an intelligent way to proceed or not, but my personal feeling is that variety is the best driver of any line and the comic line allows for a lot more of that. Most of the actual lines, and suddenly BAF's are MCU heavy and in that, since the MCU has way fewer characters, results in so many redos. Most of the redos are improvements, yes but how many Starlords and Caps and IM do we need before we get guys like Nomad, Diamondback, Mandarin, etc.? Then there's the What If? figures which opened up an entirely different can of worms. Are they cool? Maybe some of them are neat and interesting, but I'm not that into collecting all those weird, out of bounds characters that don't really fit any kind of continuity. To me those kind of characters are just pretty packaged versions of Scuba Spidey and Monster Armor Wolverine. There's just no place for them and I feel they're just spots wasted that could have been used for long forgotten or wanted characters. Not so say that's not a lot of collectors cup of tea, but I think it's clear that a lot of MCU and Disney+ waves and figures tend to linger on the shelves while the few comic based figures in each wave tend to move more quickly. And also, yes there are a lot of comic based multi-packs and exclusives, but there's usually a lot of repetition in those as well. As far as the waves go, unless it is one of the few all-comic waves we get per year the focus is mostly driven by television and movie product.

Of course, this is all based on my own personal opinions and feelings, but as far as actions figures and character selections go I'm usually running right there with the general pulse of the fandom.

I think you and I want the exact same things as collectors - tons of comic figures (the only thing I collect), and limited MCU figures (don't collect), but I don't see what you are saying to be accurate. If you go back to 2020 through today, you will find that way more than 50% of the figures have been comic related. Look at the boxed sets - almost all of them are comic based. Look at the deluxe figures - almost all of them are comic based. Look at the last two Haslabs - comic based, with comic based add-in figures. Look at the army builders - comic based. Heck, even some of the MCU waves have had a comic based BAF. I don't think it is clear at all that they are focusing more on MCU, just maybe at this exact time in the year, but definitely not as a line, or even for the year. I do agree with you about release after release of Cap, Ironman, Wolverine, etc. when there are still so many other characters to produce, but I also understand from a marketing angle why they would do that, and sometimes it leads to us getting the best version of a character (20th Anniversary Cap). Keep in mind this year we are getting Bonebreaker...Maggot...we got X-Calibre... we are getting an amazing Mojo... Galactus and Heralds. I would love more comic stuff too, but c'mon, we gotta give the guys credit for what they are giving us.

monron999 - 2022-06-27 @ 1:41 pm
On 6/27/2022 at 12:56 AM, Psychosomatic said:

I think it might feel that way, but I just looked at the Marvel Legends figures that have come out so far this year, and those that will come out by the end of the year, and my count is at 45 comic based figures (not MCU). There have definitely been a lot of MCU figures with Spider-man, Strange, Thor, new announced Guardians Boxed Set, and Disney+ figures, but they are still paying attention to the comic figure collectors as well (45 is a lot).

Not that they aren't doing comic based figs at all anymore, but it is quite clear the MCU and Disney+ is the focus of the line now. One can argue on whether that is an intelligent way to proceed or not, but my personal feeling is that variety is the best driver of any line and the comic line allows for a lot more of that. Most of the actual lines, and suddenly BAF's are MCU heavy and in that, since the MCU has way fewer characters, results in so many redos. Most of the redos are improvements, yes but how many Starlords and Caps and IM do we need before we get guys like Nomad, Diamondback, Mandarin, etc.? Then there's the What If? figures which opened up an entirely different can of worms. Are they cool? Maybe some of them are neat and interesting, but I'm not that into collecting all those weird, out of bounds characters that don't really fit any kind of continuity. To me those kind of characters are just pretty packaged versions of Scuba Spidey and Monster Armor Wolverine. There's just no place for them and I feel they're just spots wasted that could have been used for long forgotten or wanted characters. Not so say that's not a lot of collectors cup of tea, but I think it's clear that a lot of MCU and Disney+ waves and figures tend to linger on the shelves while the few comic based figures in each wave tend to move more quickly. And also, yes there are a lot of comic based multi-packs and exclusives, but there's usually a lot of repetition in those as well. As far as the waves go, unless it is one of the few all-comic waves we get per year the focus is mostly driven by television and movie product.

Of course, this is all based on my own personal opinions and feelings, but as far as actions figures and character selections go I'm usually running right there with the general pulse of the fandom.

Psychosomatic - 2022-06-27 @ 5:56 am
On 6/26/2022 at 11:35 AM, monron999 said:

Damn fine job!

This is both beautiful and saddening in the way that they look so amazing but we'll most likely never see it happen. At this point in ML, if it has little or nothing to do with any kind of tie in with a movie it'll probably never be done. On the off chance that it does it will assuredly be done as a box set with a hefty price.

I think it might feel that way, but I just looked at the Marvel Legends figures that have come out so far this year, and those that will come out by the end of the year, and my count is at 45 comic based figures (not MCU). There have definitely been a lot of MCU figures with Spider-man, Strange, Thor, new announced Guardians Boxed Set, and Disney+ figures, but they are still paying attention to the comic figure collectors as well (45 is a lot).

LordVenger - 2022-06-27 @ 2:07 am
On 6/26/2022 at 3:45 PM, Psychosomatic said:

I absolutely think we will at least get a Drax in this costume I think he is one of about 20 characters that would be illogical for them not to do (ex. Adam Warlock, Yondu, Ronan, Powerman, Iron Fist). I hope I am right.

I hope you are correct as well. Really need a classic drax.

SpiderS - 2022-06-27 @ 1:57 am

Great customs, I wish Hasbro would make them soon, it's about time.

Psychosomatic - 2022-06-26 @ 8:45 pm
On 6/26/2022 at 11:35 AM, monron999 said:

Damn fine job!

This is both beautiful and saddening in the way that they look so amazing but we'll most likely never see it happen. At this point in ML, if it has little or nothing to do with any kind of tie in with a movie it'll probably never be done. On the off chance that it does it will assuredly be done as a box set with a hefty price.

I absolutely think we will at least get a Drax in this costume I think he is one of about 20 characters that would be illogical for them not to do (ex. Adam Warlock, Yondu, Ronan, Powerman, Iron Fist). I hope I am right.

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