Following up on our story from
yesterday, Dan Yun has posted some official images of the
Marvel Legends Avengers 60th Anniversary Super Skrull and Spider-Woman Skrull Queen 2-Pack from
Hasbro. From the new images we can see Spider-Woman will have two head sculpts, the Skrull one we saw in the live-stream and a normal one seen here! This pack will be going up for pre-order this
Wednesday April 12th at
1pm ET. Look for it to be available at places like our sponsors and
Entertainment Earth.
Honestly if they were smart they'd put out a Skrull headsculpt pack. It would inspire people to double buy figures just so they could have skrull versions of their favorites to go alongside the normal versions. No need to do whole figures, just put out a 6-pack of heads or so.
I highly doubt they have abandoned Skrulls all together just because the D+ show under performed, I'm sure sometime in the future they will give us another Skrull oriented offering, This 2 pack got a push because of the show, but ultimately I don't think it selling or not was because of the failure of that said show, or a reason behind not putting out any more Skrull items, Hasbro just swings they way they want, I feel like the comic figure product usually doesn't really correlate with the MCU as we may think, Look everyone said we'd probably never get any more Inhumans because that show was a dud, yet we just got a Karnak, Crystal and Lockjaw, with a Rumoured Black Bolt & Triton for next year, nobody thought Eternals would get a push, yet we just got a Ikaris.
I'd be surprised if we didn't see a Army builder Skrull pop up again somewhere soon as plug into a wave. That figure was under produced and highly wanted.
anyways this 2 pack is awesome, really a great buy for anyone on the fence there is a lot you can play around with here in terms of display ability, I mean just for starters you can have a JD SW, and a Veranke, a multi different variables for the super Skrull., plus the parts for the BAF plug into this and vice versa from what I assume.
On 12/12/2024 at 3:24 AM, AndyL said:Man I saw these go up on sale a few days ago and I'm really torn on whether to get them or not. I originally bought three sets at full price. Just for the Super Skrull alone. I sold the extra Spider Ladies to my cusomizer friend who does awesome work with the Moonstone bodies. But the whole issue now is I'm really worried they've given up on the Skrull concept altogether. Personally I think it would be an amazing way to update older figures on newer body models. Just redo the figure and include a Skrull head and call it new. I don't see the downside. Unfortunately with the massive disappointment of the MCU Secret Invasion Disney+ show I feel like they've just decided to abandon it on the ML end as well.
Yeah, they should be doing that. I also suspect that since the Giant Man HasLab didn't get its Skrull Head, maybe Hasbro think there isn't an interest for Skrulls. Also I hope they do aCriti Noll/ X-Men Super Skrull set
AndyL -
2024-12-12 @ 3:24 am
Man I saw these go up on sale a few days ago and I'm really torn on whether to get them or not. I originally bought three sets at full price. Just for the Super Skrull alone. I sold the extra Spider Ladies to my cusomizer friend who does awesome work with the Moonstone bodies. But the whole issue now is I'm really worried they've given up on the Skrull concept altogether. Personally I think it would be an amazing way to update older figures on newer body models. Just redo the figure and include a Skrull head and call it new. I don't see the downside. Unfortunately with the massive disappointment of the MCU Secret Invasion Disney+ show I feel like they've just decided to abandon it on the ML end as well.
On 4/27/2023 at 9:17 AM, Reno said:This Skrull 2-pack was shipped from BBTS yesterday and I should have it tomorrow along with Franklin and Valeria. I'm excited! I only ordered one of these 2 skrull 2-packs to start with, but I think I might end up getting two of these sets depending on how much I like that Spider-Woman in person.
It's been a super busy week for Legends for me as I also received the 3 full BAF waves (Ch'od, Cassie and Cosmo), the 2nd X-Men 3-pack and the Spiderverse Cyborg Spider-Woman and Spot figures all this week! McFarlane also shipped out the Flash movie stuff including the $250 Batwing this week and I'll have those today. While it's fun, I truly wish that they'd spread things out more for my wallet's sake! I also just got the Batman '66 Library, BatBoat and King Tut and of course comic Yondu all last week. With the way it's been going I'm basically expecting the $450 Mezco Ultimate Godzilla that I pre-ordered to be charged any day now too!
Sounds like it's Christmas for you... but one you have to pay for, lol!
Reno -
2023-04-27 @ 2:17 pm
This Skrull 2-pack was shipped from BBTS yesterday and I should have it tomorrow along with Franklin and Valeria. I'm excited! I only ordered one of these 2 skrull 2-packs to start with, but I think I might end up getting two of these sets depending on how much I like that Spider-Woman in person.
It's been a super busy week for Legends for me as I also received the 3 full BAF waves (Ch'od, Cassie and Cosmo), the 2nd X-Men 3-pack and the Spiderverse Cyborg Spider-Woman and Spot figures all this week! McFarlane also shipped out the Flash movie stuff including the $250 Batwing this week and I'll have those today. While it's fun, I truly wish that they'd spread things out more for my wallet's sake! I also just got the Batman '66 Library, BatBoat and King Tut, Flashpoint Superman, Gold Label Beast Boy and of course comic Yondu all last week. With the way it's been going I'm basically expecting the $450 Mezco Ultimate Godzilla that I pre-ordered to be charged any day now too!
JayC -
2023-04-27 @ 12:17 pm
Shown below via sb_toyz are in-hand images for the new Marvel Legends Avengers 60th Anniversary Super Skrull and Spider-Woman Skrull Queen 2-Pack from Hasbro. You can purchase this set from our sponsors and Entertainment Earth..

On 4/13/2023 at 11:03 AM, leokearon said:Some more Skrulls sets would be interesting, especially if they do say one Skrull Version and then a new Skrull Character either a Super Skrull or a famous Skrull like Lyja
On 4/13/2023 at 4:16 PM, monron999 said:Hopefully this isn't the only Skrull themed set we get. Maybe they can do an Elektra set (on one of the much improved body molds) with a different version of a SS. I guess there are numerous characters they can use that format with and maybe improve on some other figures done on bad molds. If they decide to do it that way they have my money for sure, but am I wrong for wanting just a little more bang for my buck?
Some more Skrulls sets would be interesting, especially if they do say one Skrull Version and then a new Skrull Character either a Super Skrull or a famous Skrull like Lyja
On 4/13/2023 at 2:06 AM, leokearon said:That's not true, the fireball is the most overused effect
On 4/13/2023 at 2:51 AM, super-chillin said:Totally. Right up there with the Dr Strange hand effects. And the bubble ones.
On 4/13/2023 at 5:27 AM, bashpics99 said:will add to the chorus and ask what in the world you are talking about? compared to the fireballs, spellcasting hand effects, bubble hand effects, etc? i mean they barely even use the stretchy arm with Reed figures, only the WG version got them.
When you're right, you're right, and you all are 100 percent right. I misspoke and caught it as soon as I hit the submit button, but I chose to let it stand rather than edit, or I was pressed for time. Either way I knew someone would call me out. I shoulda been more specific, and what I actually meant to say is the Stretchy Arm is the laziest, most elementary, most simplistic and most overused attachment part that Hasbro does for ML. Maybe there's another part that they do more often, and I'm sure someone will point it out if there is, but in this sense it's almost like you can hear the conversation in the "ideas room". If a character has morphing or fluid type powers, I bet 100 times out of 100 the first "idea" called out is Stretchy Arm. We get it, they stretch, of course they'll have a stretch arm. But see, characters with those powers all come with that part. Kamala has stretchy arm, all three Reeds have stretchy arm, that's their powers, it's expected, but that's not Super Skrull's powers. They mimic powers. I understand the immediate connection goes to Fantastic Four, but we got that, and it was done pretty well with the SS BAF. It got all four of them in there, it's there, repaint it and use it for this figure. I'm not so bummed they included it here, it's more so that they only included one more, which is the Iron Man arm. Just look at the picture that @tarotput up, just in that art there are soooooo many more powers they mimic and the grand total of new power mimic parts after the stretchy arm is 1, just one, for freaking Super Skrull, who can mimic any and all powers, be it techno, magical, science or natural. I didn't expect them to include the entire Marvel Universe of powers in the set, but hey, maybe just a few more than one. Is that too much to ask? And yes, I understand in his costume there are elements of Blackagar Boltagon (gotta laugh cuz I can't get the Doctor Strange line out of my head), Doctor Strange (coincidence?) and others but those are elements of the costume of the character they chose to use as source. I'm just saying a little more effort than the typical part we already knew they were gonna do coulda went a long way. Of course I'm gonna get this set, because it is something kinda new, and I gotta have those damn Skrull head sculpt, so they got my money, but....... well, there it is.
Hopefully this isn't the only Skrull themed set we get. Maybe they can do an Elektra set (on one of the much improved body molds) with a different version of a SS. I guess there are numerous characters they can use that format with and maybe improve on some other figures done on bad molds. If they decide to do it that way they have my money for sure, but am I wrong for wanting just a little more bang for my buck?
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