Avengers: Infinity War is a fast paced action packed film from beginning to the very end including the one after-credit scene. Things pick up shortly after the events of Thor: Ragnarok with Thanos having captured the Asgardian ship with Thor, Loki and Hulk. From there, the movie gives you very little opportunity to catch your breath.
This is a really hard review to write because there are so many things I want to talk about but can’t without giving away key plot points. This movie definitely crams in more characters than any other Marvel movie, most of which you would expect and one or two that might surprise you. Don’t expect a lot of development with any of these characters though, but that is ok because that is what the past 10 years of Marvel movies have been for. You definitely will want to do your homework by watching previous films, otherwise you likely will be lost early on tracking what is going on and who is who. The one exception is the movie’s main villain Thanos (Josh Brolin). They actually do a fairly good job fleshing him out and his motivations so he’s not just a two-dimensional bad guy. Thanos’ Black Order, the henchmen of the film, are also done really well. I love some of the interactions between them and our heroes.
Besides fast-paced action, the movie also contains the typical Marvel humor we’ve come to expect, though I will say less so than previous movies. The movie also has some very intense moments that will grab your emotions. You get some really nice special effects, especially pertaining to Iron Man and his suit. So far I’ve only seen the film in regular 2D but I have to imagine the IMAX 3D format will be amazing to watch. The movie takes you to a variety of environments, some of which we’ve seen before and some that are new, but they all look incredible.
For those going in thinking they know what will happen, I feel pretty confident in saying you are likely wrong. The film is filled with unexpected and unpredictable moments. There is also one key scene featured in the trailers that was missing from the actual film which I thought was odd. I won’t say which scene it is in this review but you will probably be able to figure it out once you’ve seen the movie for yourself. Overall I enjoyed the movie, but as to whether this is the best Marvel movie of all time, I cannot yet say. Ask me again next year, and I should have answer for you then.
Grade: A-
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