At least there was a brief shot of Thor in his real outfit
On 5/23/2022 at 10:25 PM, JayC said:New poster

That is a delightfully retro poster.
Everyone has their own idea of what their favorite comic book characters should be on film.Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, even Black Widow, all had a sort of definition, but I don't think Thor did until Ragnarok. No one is always serious or always funny - people have levels and degrees, and I like what Raganarok did for the character (and brought out more of Hemsworth as an actor). Sure, there is way more comedy in Thor now than before, and certainly more than I would have expected (more than there ever was in the comics), but that isn't a bad thing. He has one of the most fantastical worlds out of all Marvel characters, so if any film should be big and crazy, it should be a Thor film. Comic books are not Shakespeare, they are meant to be fun, and sort of crazy (even the more serious ones). And I like the fact that the Russo Brothers and Taika both have created visuals that are consistent with each other, and James Gunn, while still being their own thing. If you are familiar with Taika's body of work you know this guy has a very particular voice and point of view, and I think it works perfectly here. And holy hell, Bale looks amazing!
JohnF -
2022-05-24 @ 12:22 pm
On 5/24/2022 at 3:00 PM, monron999 said:Yeah, I feel like we never really got a full movie taste of Thor as he was in Infinity War and Endgame. First movie he was timid and naive, second movie he was bitter and full of self doubt, third movie he was goofy and had an identity crisis and this one he just seems aloof and unmotivated. We never got an actual movie of him being the serious, confident, angry bad ass he was at the end of both gauntlet movies. That was the time it seemed to me like he was most like the comics. I read Thor for a long time and I never once saw him as a comedic character. That was for guys like Spidey and She-Hulk (it was so good for a while) and now Deadpool who boosts it up to EXTRA levels. I just want a movie where he is that unwavering, powerful, confident, god he was in the comics.
Agreed here. Hopefully the arc they've set up for him in this movie will evolve to something other than just his retirement. Maybe after this whole ''I have to figure out who I am'' point in his story (which I think is the natural continuation of what we've previously seen for his character), he will finally be rid of all kinds of self doubt and insecurities and we will see the powerful, confident, mature thundergod.
On 5/24/2022 at 5:42 AM, JohnF said:I like what Taika has done for the Thor franchise, but I feel like he might be taking it too far. I have no problem with the Thor movies being on the more lighthearted side of the MCU, but treating Thor like a joke too much is disappointing.I want it to feel like Thor is the guy, that he knows what he's doing and he's not a comedian all the time.So far I think they've been able to control it, he's still serious when he has to (even in Endgame), but with the prospect of a new Thor coming I don't him to be reduced to just that (a comedian) and shift the focus to Jane. I'm not saying that's what's happening, but I'm a little concerned. And lastly, given the story of the movie, it seems like it could have been a little more serious tonally.
In any case this was just a trailer and it had strong points as well, so enough of that for now. Ragnarok was a great movie and I hope this will be as well.
Yeah, I feel like we never really got a full movie taste of Thor as he was in Infinity War and Endgame. First movie he was timid and naive (after being deemed unworthy), second movie he was bitter and full of self doubt, third movie he was goofy and had an identity crisis and this one he just seems aloof and unmotivated. We never got an actual movie of him being the serious, confident, angry bad ass he was at the end of both gauntlet movies. That was the time it seemed to me like he was most like the comics. I read Thor for a long time and I never once saw him as a comedic character. That was for guys like Spidey and She-Hulk (it was so good for a while) and now Deadpool who boosts it up to EXTRA levels. I just want a movie where he is that unwavering, powerful, confident, god he was in the comics.
JohnF -
2022-05-24 @ 10:42 am
I like what Taika has done for the Thor franchise, but I feel like he might be taking it too far. I have no problem with the Thor movies being on the more lighthearted side of the MCU, but treating Thor like a joke too much is disappointing.I want it to feel like Thor is the guy, that he knows what he's doing and he's not a comedian all the time.So far I think they've been able to control it, he's still serious when he has to (even in Endgame), but with the prospect of a new Thor coming I don't him to be reduced to just that (a comedian) and shift the focus to Jane. I'm not saying that's what's happening, but I'm a little concerned. And lastly, given the story of the movie, it seems like it could have been a little more serious tonally.
In any case this was just a trailer and it had strong points as well, so enough of that for now. Ragnarok was a great movie and I hope this will be as well.
Well Gor looks properly scary. The movie looks like a lot of fun, though I'm hoping that they have gotten the emotional balance right this time.
On 5/23/2022 at 6:39 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:"...the whole thing seems way too silly, Thor just seems so goofy, even more then in the more recent past...clearly this movie seems is secretly a rom-com disguised as a Super hero movie, that's the impression I get...."
SMH....back when I was a kid, there was no doubt amongst us that Thor and Superman were on the same level (and magic gave him that edge to take him further). Neither could ever be confused with being clowns. Now he seems to be a big, almost buffoonish joke. Sure hope there's more to it than that.
Is it me or does it seem they released the second trailer way too soon after the first one? They could have waited for another 2 weeks or so to build even higher anticipation for the movie release.
On 5/24/2022 at 12:36 AM, monron999 said:Agreed. When Ragnarok came out it was just so much more refreshing than the slow moving, low energy, dragging, overly complicated and yet somehow still ridiculously simplistic and ultimately boring tone of Dark World it was almost a force feeding of a new direction to the franchise, but it was well balanced by the seriousness of the story and the tragedy of the ending and while I'm sure Bale will be terrifying as Bateman the God Butcher, the rest of it just looks like Waititi trying to out Gunn James Gunn, which only results in taking the silly up to 11. Everything from the Tarentino-esque banter to the classic music to the slapstick bits to the color palette is trying to be James Gunn on steroids. It's just too much, and it's already been done before, and it's been done better. I suspect on the "Goodness Scale" this will probably land in 3rd place after Ragnarok and Thor, but still ahead of Dark World. I love Hemsworth and Bale is magic so I suspect there will be some high points, and who doesn't want to say they were there when the All Black unleashes the symbiotes into the MCU. I'll be there, possibly on opening night even, but I'm not expecting too much out of it. Especially since the future trajectory seems to be headed the way of one of the worst runs in Thor and Marvel as a wholes history. Just get it over with. Give Hemsworth the fond and respectful farewell he deserves and let's move on to the Hercules era.
Yes agreed when Ragnarok came out it was a refreshing trajectory change for the Thor franchise and Thor himself and really breathed new life into the character who seemed somewhat stale, Thor 1 and 2 were probably some of the less loved instalments in the MCU franchise and they really needed to vastly change the approach to making thor movies and depicting the character as more of a fun jovial and naive (because he doesn't understand what the world is like beyond asgard) entity was a good way to go, but as it all progressed Thor became more of a whimsical piece in the movies, as much as I had no issues with what they did with his character in Infinity War/Endgame, I think it seemed natural he was going to move towards more of a comical character, because the fans liked what they got from the Raganarok depiction and we all know the bean counters can't let things stay on a par, they need to up the antes, so if he's like silly make it more silly! , I love Taika he makes great films Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Jojo rabbit cases in point, he's like James Gunn's baby with Wes Anderson, and thats fine and dandy but it seems with this film he was pushed to exaggerate that formula he's been known for, yes witty banter, plush colors and loads of humour, I will go see this movie first day no question but I also think as you do, Hemsworth needs a really nice goodbye, and this might not be it, I've said it before likely this won't be it for him in the MCU but as Thor I see it likely is, Jane Foster will do her thing for a bit, then get booted for the next likely candidate, Eric or Billy, probably Beta ray will get some shine, but this movie just seems like Marvel's first foray into Rom Com territory , and that's fine, but can we just say that's what it is, it's going to be a love story at it's core, it will be sweet and cute, and have Thor's clothes flying off at some point revealing his godly twigs, if something like that ever happened in the comics I'd be less skeptical about this film and more forgiving of this trailer, but I don't remember Thor ever really feeling like character in a movie starring jack black, when I was reading the books as a kid, or even reading one yesterday.
I say this often, sometimes you need to just not do something, and that;s because you can.
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